Famous, the sorpasso nigerian last hour of the end of OT

Amaia and her strange return to OT 2018: “I don’t know what I just did”

All the controversies of the last edition OT

last Night took place the final of operación Triunfo and beyond the expected performance of Amaia and the victory of the Famous, there was an unexpected protagonist. Noemí Galera, the director of the Academy, wrote and read after the program an emotional letter in which she admitted the insecurities and problems that has lived in the edition that just ended but also highlighted the work and achievements.

“it’s no secret, if I tell you that it has not been an easy edit for me. Even with the hangover of the success of 2017, I embarked on the self-imposed of having to select 16 contestants to glow with its own light and not be a replica of the great voices of the past year. We traveled through Spain in search of excellence and authenticity. And after a few of the castings more crowded than I remember, and I think the guys exceeded with note its debut at the gala zero. But as in any trip, we also had moments in which the way we did a little uphill and made decisions, some painful for me, always with the idea that the contestants get excited and be themselves.”

“I got the insomnia, the moments of letdown and exhaustion, but I have to confess that OT has been, is and will be one of my weaknesses and that has always offset the moments in which to be the director of the Academy has not been an easy task. I have to tell you that I felt a great relief to see your response with our contestants on their first signing of disks. I noticed your affection and I felt so much sacrifice and effort was giving her the result and it was worth it. Some balm we also had when we received the two awards Waves part of the profession. But this edition has been, without a doubt, one of the biggest challenges of my professional life and also personal”.

“I’ve had to face, almost daily, in moments in which I had to put on a good face to the contestants that they were oblivious to the comments, some very hard, week after week, were outside the walls of the Academy. We have come up here, at the end of the tour. And after seeing all the effort and dedication of nearly 300 people who work behind OT I’m still smiling and I say to myself that everything has been worth it and that you had to go through the nerves, the frustrations, the effort, the sleepless nights, and, above all, the stolen hours to my family, to reach where we have reached. To see some boys and some girls appear as what they are, great artists that from tomorrow will depart from the heat of the Academy to face the street.”

“This format gives me joys every time I work on it, year after year. Thanks for being there an edition more, support us, follow us. I hope we’ll see you soon. Until then, Mari Carmen”

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