The German magazine ‘Der Spiegel’ has announced this Wednesday the dismissal of Claas Relotius, copywriter award-winning, after finding that he made false and invented facts in many articles in the last few years.

“The truth and lies are mixed in their texts,” he explained, ‘Der Spiegel’ in your web page. The magazine has acknowledged that the incident marks a low point in its 70-year history” and has asked forgiveness for the fact.

Some of the nearly 60 stories that Relotius had written from 2011 were truthful, but others were “completely fabricated, or embellished with quotations manipulated or other acts of fantasy”, has indicated the publication.

Among the fabricated stories were articles about a prisoner in Guantanamo, illegally detained, about children kidnapped by the Islamic State and about a woman who was attending to the execution of a sentence of death as a witness in the united States.

‘Der Spiegel’ has ensured that you have terminated your contract immediately working. Relotius, who is 33 years old and began writing for ‘Der Spiegel’ in 2011, no declarations have been made.

As explained by the magazine, the editors in chief of Relotius what confronted after a fellow journalist of the magazine expressed their suspicions. Relotius admitted that he had fabricated content in several articles that he had written.

The journalist acknowledged that at least 14 of the articles that he wrote for ‘Der Spiegel’, some of which won prizes, were not in compliance with professional journalistic standards, according to the magazine.

“Claas Relotius acted with intention, in a methodical way and with a high level of intentionality criminal”, has underlined ‘Der Spiegel, adding that the journalist had written about the people and cited respondents with those who had never met or spoken to.

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