Already resigned as medical director of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York city

dr. Jose Baselga, former medical director of the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, resigned under pressure on Wednesday as one of the editors-in-chief of the scientific journal ‘Cancer Discovery’, after the scandal for not disclosing with precision in tens of articles in medical journals collection of millions of dollars from drug manufacturers. So says ‘The New York Times’.

The American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), which publishes the journal, said that a panel of experts and the board of directors of the group had come to the conclusion that “Baselga did not adhere to the high standards related to the disclosures of conflicts of interest that the AACR hopes of its leaders.”

In consequence, “asked the doctor Baselga resign his charge in the magazine”, according to a statement sent to the members of the association.

The oncologist Baselga, a prominent figure in the world of cancer research, helped found the journal and was editor for the past eight years. The AACR, Baselga was chairman, assumes that his omissions were inadvertent, and therefore Baselga will be able to continue publishing in their journals. “Baselga is a valuable member of the AACR with recognized expertise in clinical and translational research on cancer,” said Margaret Foti, chief executive officer of the group.

The periods of disclosure of Baselga have caused great debate on the influence of the pharmaceutical industry and health care, in medical research, even if the magazines should do a better job to ensure that the researchers to report accurately on their links corporate. The university hospitals of USA have reminded teachers of their obligation to disclose, and some have begun to re-examine what relationships are appropriate.

José Baselga resigned as medical director of the Memorial Sloan Kettering in September, after that ‘The New York Times’ desvelara that he had not disclosed billions of dollars in payments from pharmaceutical companies in dozens of research articles. Also resigned from the boards of the companies, Bristol-Myers Squibb and Varian Medical Systems.

In his resignation letter to the AACR, Baselga appreciated the organization on its “deliberate review and comprehensive” and said to feel “very thankful for the discovery that my lack of disclosure was inadvertent”. However, I understand that the situation made it hard for me to continue in a leadership role”.

Baselga, 59 years, is an expert in breast cancer research and played a key role in the development of Herceptin by Genentech, a subsidiary of Roche. He came to Memorial Sloan Kettering in 2013 after holding the position of chief of Hematology and Oncology at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. Before this, he was a leader in the Institute of Oncology Vall d’hebron in Barcelona, Spain.

Since September, the oncologist has corrected the conflict of interest in the disclosures of several medical journals, two in ‘New England Journal of Medicine’, three in ‘Clinical Cancer Research’, five in ‘JAMA Oncology’ and two in ‘Cancer Discovery’.

In a note accompanying the correction of Baselga in ‘New England Journal of Medicine’, the editors described their failure as a “breach of trust”.

Baselga also reviewed the disclosures with the American Society of Clinical Oncology, who said that the role of the oncologist in future meetings will be subject to a review of their presentation slides and their sessions will be monitored to detect evidence of bias. In addition, if Baselga does not reveal your interactions in the future, will be forbidden to participate in any meeting sponsored by A. S. C. O. for two years.

The AACR states that its panel of experts will continue to review disclosures of conflicts of interest, including the form of “better harmonize such disclosures and provide more clarity on these issues”.

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