The participation of the Spanish players Andres Iniesta and Fernando Torres in the league of japanese football since last July, was one of the elements that contributed to the increase of the spectators in the stadiums of japan, according to data disseminated. Iniesta is joined in the season just closed to the rows of Vissel Kobe and Towers of Sagan Tosu. The first team was ranked tenth in the first division of the league the japanese, composed by 18 teams, Sagan Tosu finished in 14th place.

according To the report of the JLeague presented on Wednesday and broadcast on local media, in the season that began on 23 February and closed on the 1st of December there was an average increase of 19.064 spectators in each match, a level not seen in a decade. In addition, there were a total of 84 matches filled the stadiums, compared to 69 for the season of 2017.

as to the data’s team of Iniesta, Vissel Kobe had an increase of 44.2 % in the number of spectators, while in the case of the club of Torres, the increase was 38.7 %. The report of the JLeague devotes two of its 92 pages the role of Iniesta and Torres in the japanese football.

the two Spanish players will join a third, David Villa, who will join the ranks of the Vissel Kobe in the next season, between the 22 February and 7 December next.

According to the criteria of

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