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Facebook, Google, Apple and many other technology companies are already able to analyze and identify our faces for different purposes, are espiarnos or unlock our mobile phone. But what has gotten the company Nvidia is something slightly different: they have managed to create expensive artificial.

it is Not as macabre as it sounds: what you have achieved is that their artificial intelligence, through the analysis of a myriad of faces of people, to be able to recreate human faces that, although they do not exist, like those of persons of flesh and bone, as this video demonstrates.

The technology of making these faces is called in English ‘Generative Adversarial Networks’, or GAN for short, and the most revolutionary thing is that you can copy styles of the faces in instead of copying and pasting parts of faces. In other words, it does not copy the hairstyle of the photo, but generates one in a similar style because he has learned what would define that style.

According to have published their creators, the artificial intelligence can discern between fundamental features and side to rule out the latter and so as to eliminate the ‘noise’ of the photographs. So even though you can generate noses, cheeks, lips, eyebrows, eyes and all parts of a face, it would leave out variants as a mole, a scar, or similar items.

What is most curious is that, since learning styles as well as the traits that characterize them, you can regulate the intensities that are present on each of the elements, as if it were a character editor own video game more advanced.

As with any artificial intelligence, it is currently impossible to create faces out of nothing and always make a lack of samples for which the machine is to the idea of what to design, but applications for the future are impressive, from using actors fake in movies to create stock photography with people that are not real.

In the past, other technology similar to that has given so much to talk about is the one that generates the ‘deep fakes’, that is, animations of faces of celebrities that then are put into alien bodies and who have served, among other things, to create pornography with actresses and models. The result is so credible that it has emerged an intense debate about its use and potential hazards of the technology.

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