Director-general of Society Thematic Projects. After a legislature putting in order the assets and liabilities of the public company valenciana with the management is more controversial than other times, now the time has come to implement the ‘digital district’, the great project of the Government of the ‘Botanical’ for the economic future of the region

What exactly is the “digital district”? It is an attempt to build a digital ecosystem from the public drive. The new Government of the Botanical part of the basis of that is to change the economic model valencian and this cannot be done by decree but by serving new realities. In this context directly to the president of the Generalitat, Ximo Puig, showed his determination that it made an attempt to germ the digital economy, and began for the south, because he understood that here was more lack because the punishment of the crisis in the province of Alicante was tremendous. Also because the province of Alicante has competitive advantages, being common some of them to the whole of the Valencian Community, some others are specific. Especially the airport, which assures you 120 connections, gives entrance to the major hubs in-patient admissions, and to a digital ecosystem that aims to paint something in the international environment, this is key. How have you developed?From there we designed a program of three legs. On the one hand a plan of incentives, fiscal stimulus for companies to come here, be installed as a minimum a year, and hire and train staff. In the second place to create a kind of accelerator in the field of gaming and eSports, that is the sauce of the digital economy, because that is where there is more capacity development, which has already billed more than the music industry and the cinema. And thirdly, the realization events. Because in order for a digital system to work, you need things to happen. When you began?In march, we published in the official journal of the Generalitat, the program and the goals. And companies began to request entry into the program in June and July. The programme closed on the 31st of October. And now there are seven or eight companies working. In the first year were 62 companies and we had requests for 69. But is that in addition to have appeared a dozen company more with more ability to hire more who do not come to for an incentive. And then the companies tractors, Indra and Accenture with a plan in the medium and long term more important. Now the companies are now attempted to comply with the paperwork and we are preparing the infrastructure, making buildings and expanding networks of communication, adapting the furniture. The companies are just starting out and still have not left the masons. Our idea is that in march when the one year anniversary of the publication of the programme, that the companies that have availed themselves of the incentive scheme are all installed, and that the plan of the companies tractors are dynamic. Indra has already begun and Accenture we are doing works in the port and as soon as they are landed. It is understood that the business units do not come for a year.Neither come with three workers and ten. Come with hundreds. Accenture is going to plant here with between 1,500 to 2,000 workers but you will need at least 5 years because there is a problem of training of personnel. The two companies have been interviewed with the two universities, UMH and UA. I need to generate a program of FP in order to supply the district digital for what they are going to submit to a stress test to our system to education and training. There are No developers, computer on-mass. Now the same is happening to a process of cannibalization between companies. The own Ministry of Education has put hands to the work to guide the developments formative of the FP. And that is very good because it will allow us to jump out of an economy of waiters and bricklayers to an economy with other professionals. What are your medium term objectives?We thought to have here 500 workers of the new economy in two years and the commitments bring us closer to 3,000 employees in 5 years. With DDExperience this weekend starts the international projection.You are going to have events of different types. The mass will be linked to the gaming and eSports that bring together thousands of young and not so young. Is a training school for developers is very important. In the event of Elche let’s take advantage of to generate an Employment Forum to provide developers for the digital district. It’s going to be other, as of the start of the long of digital district when the president’s agenda permits, between January and February. The milestone will be the creation of the Advisory Council Strategic with major companies in the sector and financial entities, universities and individual relevant people. Why Elche and why it has been chosen to Alicante? In it there is a to change the chip. This is a business of talent, not of space. The digital district is not “in” the City of Light, is in all the Valencian Community. Here you will have some gaps, but the digital district will put in place services that have nothing to do with spaces. At this time, the SPTCV has two functions: to provide an incentive to modest and to seek a space for it companies. Now we’re “home”, but we want to overcome this function by generating a package of services to all enterprises of the digital economy in the whole of the Valencian Community: marketing, market orientation, creating and workshops, funding rounds… Is this the priority objective of SPTCV?We had a custom double. First to finish with the old stage and the balance, reclaiming all that we find here. We get that after 8 years for the first time the auditor presented the opinion on the society. We have been closing stages as the environment of Terra Mitica. Desinvertimos, we made box-and that’s why virtually now this society does not ask for money to the government. Before they were capital increases of eur 20 million per year. We finish the Cultural Center of Benidorm, and we have put in place the Auditorium of Torrevieja which already has stable programming. In addition, we have clarified the topic of City of the Light-negotiating with Europe, and now this is already part of the government. And closing this stage, we are still fringe, we are going to spend to open a new path in the new economy. The other great bet to Alicante is the Volvo Ocean Race, that is going to stop being a Volvo…Yes. It has sold the franchise, we have the peace of mind that they have become the executives, the managers of the event. Will be in 20120 in 2021. These changes required a modification to the contract that had been renegotiated, that goes to the Council Friday and are going to be very positive changes. The risk goes down considerably. And the vain to give some continuity, preparing an event to the end of march next year, Alicante Port Meeting. Another of the future functions will be the Center of Aging Research, for which has already been awarded the study.

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