to Surpass the training far-right Marine Le Pen

Would get a 12% of the votes and would be the second strength

The 4 sides of the ‘yellow vests’ that make giving back to Macron

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The movement of the “yellow vests”, which with its protests of the past weeks have led to a serious political and social crisis in France, if you are contesting the european elections in may would get a 12% of the votes and would be the second political force.

This is the result of a survey of the institute demoscópico Ipsos that was commissioned by the president’s party French, Emmanuel Macron (LREM), which was held last Wednesday and Thursday, before the fourth day of demonstrations of the “yellow vests” this Saturday, and that was leaked this Sunday for ‘Le Journal du Dimanche’.

With the 12% of the vote, this motion that has been put in great difficulty the president of Macron would be below The Republic in March (LREM), which is associated with the centrist MoDem is due to win 21% of the supports.

But to surpass the training far-right Grouping the National (RN) Marine Le Pen (14 %), the ecologists (13%), the conservative party, The Republicans (11%) and the leftists of France Insumisa (LFI, 9%).

The hypothesis of an application of the “yellow vests” is by now very far from realization, taking into account the rejection shown by the forms of political representation, the diversity and ideological claims in their breast, but also to accusations and threats among its own members.

Without that list, LREM with the MoDem would remain unchanged with 21%, and then would the RN (17%) and LFI (12%), which proves that these two formations are the largest and correspond to the positions of the “yellow vests”.

According to the criteria of

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