Barr, who already held the post between 1991 and 1993, will replace Jeff Sessions, who resigned after fierce criticism of the american leader

Trump employs immigrants ‘without papers’ to clean your golf club in New Jersey

The president has also appointed the replacement for Nikki Haley as ambassador to the United Nations after his resignation

The president of the united States, Donald Trump, has announced on Friday the nomination for attorney general William Barr, who already directed the Justice Department between 1991 and 1993 under the Presidency of George H. W. Bush.

Barr, if it is confirmed by the Senate, would replace Jeff Sessions, fired last November 7, after being criticized repeatedly by Trump. “He was my choice from day one,” admitted Trump. “It is a wonderful person and brilliant.”

Trump has shown “hopeful” that the confirmation process in the Senate, Barr, 68 years of age, go “very fast”.

After the dismissal of Sessions, appointed by the president of way interim to lead the Department of Justice to Matthew Whitaker, chief of cabinet of the prosecutor general outgoing.

The situation between Trump and Sessions had been marked from the beginning by the tension, with ups and downs for more than a year, as a result of the decision of the attorney general recuse from the investigation of the pattern roller by its contact with Moscow.

This step preceded the appointment of the special prosecutor Robert Mueller to investigate independently alleged coordination between the campaign of the president and the Kremlin in the elections of 2016.

The president never accepted the step taken by Sessions, which led to the “number two” of the Justice Department, Rod Rosenstein, to take the reins of the investigation of the weft Russian and appoint Mueller

Heather Nauert, during a ceremony at the u.s. State Department. MANDEL NGANAFPNueva’s ambassador to the UN

The president also announced the nomination of the until now State Department spokesman, Heather Nauert, as the new ambassador to the UN, replacing Nikki Haley.

“you Have a lot of talent, is ready and quick,” said Trump to the journalists who cover the White House on Nauert, who was a presenter of the channel’s conservative Fox News.

Trump has entrusted to you, in addition, the “great work” done by Nauert as chief spokesperson of the portfolio of Foreign affairs, where she has worked for one of the trusted men of the president, the secretary of State, Mike Pompeo.

As the president said, until Haley leaves her position at the UN at the end of the year, the still ambassador will help to Nauert to prepare for the position.

Nauert, 48 years old, came to the Department of State of the hand of the former secretary Rex Tillerson in April 2017, and between April and October of this year also served as the assistant secretary for Public Affairs.

The still spokesman worked for years as a journalist for the channels ABC and Fox, and formerly consultant in the areas of health, according to his profile on the website of the Department of State.

After being nominated, Nauert shall undergo a confirmation process in the Senate, controlled by the Republican Party.

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