The 2nd may, Norwegian will begin flying direct from Barajas airport to Boston breaking “the monopoly existing in direct flights between the two cities.” The airline Norwegian has presented this morning its new route that starts the competition with Iberia in this destination, from Madrid.

The price with which it will compete based are 179,9 euros per ride, and will make available of passengers 52.590 squares per year on these flights will operate on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

The release adds the seventh path of long radius between Spain and the united States of this company, the last year has grown by 6% in Barajas compared with 4% in throughout the country. In fact, the communication manager of the airline in Spain, Alfons Claver, it has highlighted that our country is the second place where Norwegian creates more jobs -has about 2,000 employees, just in front of the nation that gave birth to the low cost, Norway. “In Spain we have grown so much in the last three years.”

The new direct route from Barajas in addition to the two already existing to the united States from the Norwegian company, which recently had to postpone his connection with Miami. The Angels will continue with their frequency of four weekly flights, but to New York flights will be daily compared to the three frequencies with which we started this route from Madrid. “Almost tripling the number of squares” in connection with the summer of 2017″ at US, explained the spokesman from the Norwegian. The airline will offer 283.700 places between Madrid and the united States.

The capacity of the path Los Angeles has experienced an increase of 103% since the summer precedent, and is recognised today in a 83.700 per year, while in New York the increase has exceeded the triple, and is situated on the 146.500, a 373% more.

overall, the second quarter of this year the Norwegian company saw the biggest growth in its history, with a 45%. It is a “growth” that continues”, according to Claver, “but more slowed down”. The airline closed 2017 with 8,46 million passengers in our country, and this year expect to finish it with 8.8 million. And the growth that is third to low-cost Europe and sixth in the world, largely attributed to Claver to its long radius, which represents over 50% of the weight of the business.

“No new features”, on the other hand, on the possible purchase of Norwegian on the part of IAG, the holding company that includes Iberia, in addition to British Airways, Vueling and Aer Lingus. After buying 4.6% of the share capital of the group and reject the norway, two offers to purchase the last spring, the air group led by Willie Walsh has not returned to give any step. “Norwegian is an object of interest because it has many assets and a market position interesting. We continue to work for the benefit of all our stakeholders and this includes IAG benefits from our task day-to-day,” said Claver.

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