Antonia, Vaquerizo, Ona and Paz Vega finalists of Masterchef Celebrity 3

MasterChef Celebrity brings out the worst Santiago Segura

MasterChef condemnation of Carmen Lomana: “This work is of embarrassment”

The jury crushes Boris Izaguirre and Antonia Dell Ate

When they leave the villains, what remains: the crying, the drama, sentimentality. The semi-final of the third edition of MasterChef Celebrity, with Boris Izaguirre kicked out (Ouch, my Boris!) it was like the end of E. T., all tears, all peat, all suffering.

The program decided that without Santiago Segura and his poison darts, and no Carmen Lomana deranging Antonia Dell’atte had to appeal to the deepest, the most profound, the most human of those that were left, and that’s called emotion, tenderness, and heart. Less evil that was Boris Izaguirre to put a little bit of madness, mockery and desquicie throughout this brochure. If Victor Hugo lifted the head…

By the way, a copy of which I hinché to cry, literally. It must be that I’m too sensitive, but what a bellyful, and how well you feel, you leñe! That said, the semi-final of the talent of the culinary was going to decide between Ona Carbonell, Paz Vega, Boris Izaguirre, Mario Vaquerizo, and Antonia Dell’atte. And how could it be otherwise, MasterChef was kept too many surprises. Starting from the back with apron rose Santiago Segura.

The film director was not going to let not being able to redeem himself of his expulsion last week because of a sphere of white chocolate. So aldabonazos Safely returned to the kitchens of MasterChef to show that he was able to make the sphere that he took his departure, and to make it clear that he himself could have been in that semi-final. And what if it showed. Not only did a field but that took out three of them.

I swear that I have not seen a person more competitive and demanding with herself as Santiago Segura. In fact, I think that is the first that comes back to the kitchens to remove the thorn of the expulsion and to prove to himself and to all the others who, though believing himself a fool he was more than capable. Pity that it was this wonderful super-villain.

And while the villain waited for his sphere, the rest was with the sorpresón that I had mounted the program. Two boxes, in one, a letter; in the other, a bull’s tail. “I’ve never tried the tail… of the bull”, said Mario Vaquerizo, in addition to all the jokes that brought the end. I better not start that I don’t.

But before the tail, the kitchens of MasterChef became a sea of tears. I’ve rarely seen on television crying to someone as I cried last night Samantha Vallejo Nájera. I think the only one that endured enduring the onslaught of the heart was Jordi Cruz. Even Pepe Rodriguez were swept up in the drama!

it is Not for less. In the letters there was not a prescription, there was a plate, there was an ingredient… in the letters was what I probably love most in the world applicants: children, parents, mothers-in-law (yes, mother-in-law) and mothers.

God! Paz Vega is harder than the steel. Your letter was a message of her young son in the that the encouraged and congratulated for how well I was doing, and Peace will not be dropped or half-teardrop. Less evil that was Samantha to cry for all. He fell, the lagrimones like a waterfall, and see to it that you tried to hold them back, but it was impossible. As you understand! Was listening to the letter from the father of Boris and I broke it in bits. If it is… such a stick such a splinter.

Boris is unique, it is big, it is loud, it is a wonder of good, and you have from whom to learn: his father. The man lives in Caracas and there are not thought to move because you “want to see the end of the movie.” A brave, a survivor of the who Boris adores. As Antonia loves to Clement, his son, who sent him a message that I sent to me my children and me delivery in two.

A message that Antonia, in addition to excited, he took the opportunity to throw one of his daggers straight to Alessandro Lequio, the father of her son, “a father that has never been present”. “I’ve been a mother, father, and friend, but above all, mamma. I’ve been around and I’ve taught my son to love women for that is a great (sic) man”. I Bravísima!. And Samantha was still crying, because Samantha is not a replicant, Samantha is a human.

And after the tears, the dramas, the emotions and so much sentimentality (how necessary) applicants had to prepare five dishes using oxtail as the main ingredient and that is zamparían the best diners that a cook can have: your family. Come rabo pa arriba, come rabo pa below. And that they did not know that their sons, boyfriends, fathers, friends, and couples would be those who would prove. The same as last week with friends, but now with the family. Something had to be in the pipeline.

The tears and the emotion took over again from the kitchens of Masterchef. That said, the lack of villains… well it is the weeping. He won the trial, Antonia Dell’atte, the woman who is becoming (better late than never) all in all a discovery. As I said last week, was to leave Carmen Lomana, his arch-enemy, and rise from the ashes. Not only his family chose his dishes as the best, but so did the families of the others.

It’s called divine justice, or that you must think of the Italian. Antonia has been a contest that I do not wish even my worst enemy, for her and her companions, and he has now made the gap that no one wanted to give. Is the mamma of the kitchens, “an eternal winner of the life” (word of Clement, the owner and lady, the captain by right and democracy. Antonia is much Antonia and I bet the neck we are going to give away a final strake fallera.

Direct-to-Round, the town of Paz Vega, who did not weep with the letter of his son, but broke to remember the city where he spent his childhood and where five years ago return to say goodbye to his grandfather. What has been said, that without villains… there would be No captain, but the judges gave them to choose from, captain yes or captain not, but if it was it would have to choose by consensus, and by consensus, in a fact without precedents in this edition, they decided that was Antonia. Fools, you know not where you have gotten.

They climbed aboard the kitchens of the luxury train Al Andalus which would make four dishes of the chef Dani Garcia for thirty chefs in andalusia. Four dishes with more bad milk that Antonia and Carmen together in rebates. Between the rattle of the train, the small space of the kitchen, the heat and the screams of Antonio I don’t know how to not be thrown out the window at the first change.

I’m Not surprised that the broth that accompanied the dish had just become a soup of egg whites. Anyone in the situation in which they found themselves would have set. It is one thing to make it difficult, which is why it is a semi-final, and another is to be a puñetero. Despite all of this they brought out the dishes, some better than others, but, hey, I do the wave. I milk, if in that kitchen, there was neither the fart of an ant!

Ona Carbonell, first runner-up

The dessert of Ona Carbonell almost, almost, almost reaches the excellence. Not only because it was able to resemble enough of the original Dani Garcia, but because he did it completely alone. Antonia went on oblivious to Ona, and Ona they had to make to get a complicated dessert flanza of orange blossom with not many more things. A champion, campeonísima. Antonia to his own: “She wanted to work alone, and I was not going to tell you anything or give you a hand because I didn’t want that chaos in the kitchen”. Say yes Antonia. This woman does not know the lord, Modest.

So that the olympic became, after you have gone through all the elimination tests. the first finalist of the third edition of MasterChef Celebrity (I look like Eva Gonzalez, it puts me voice of Eva González). Antonia, Peace, Mario and Boris would play at a frantic duels his move to the end, or your pass at home. I say frantic because the iol Boris Izaguirre from minute one on which it was placed in front of the stove was at least, and I’m softening up, frantic.

do you Know when a child doesn’t get what they want and there is no way that between reason? Because that is the exact definition of the Boris that he saw last night in the test of elimination. Petite zapatiesta rode because I did not the weight work.

there Was a time that I thought he took the scales and threw myself against the judges and against Joan Roca, the chef invited, hallucinated pickles with the attitude of the writer and showman, because in the end, Boris is a showman. “I don’t understand anything!!! This weight does not work! (…) I already stop. It’s over. I’m out of here!”, shout out to the four winds completely uncontrolled and deranged. As such, the tantrum of a small child.

The nerves could with him, not last night, but for several programs. Boris started very well the program, calm, patient, funny, fun, and program after program has been souring. Not with others but with himself. Each time has been more usual to see him furious and pissed off because you either do not know how to make a dish, or because it is blocked and there is no longer your aunt. And last night he went back to pass, last night was the culmination of the little boy, who carries within.

“Is angry like a little child (…) does Not know to manage your frustration,” she cooed, Jordi Pepe while Samantha was trying to explain to Boris how it worked the weight. But neither Samantha nor Rita ‘the Singer’, Boris didn’t answer to reason, and although he managed to get the plate of lobster in the first duel that pitted his friend Mario, Boris is not able to overcome that frustration and took that back to the face, this time his alter ego, Antonia.

Boris Izaguirre, expelled from MasterChef

it Was his only chance to upload to upload to the balconcillo and skip to the end because if he lost against Antonia the next duel would be with Peace, and it would be like if Doraemon’s connection to the Hulk. Then neither could with Antonia and with the quail eggs that required the jury to overcome with note the dish of eels, which he himself had chosen and for which they had only (the parrot) 20 minutes of cooking.

The last finalist, therefore, would be decided in a final duel between Boris and Peace, between Doraemon and the Hulk. Fritters with caviar was the dish chosen, and, although Boris did bite the heart (the scale was his torture, again) and stopped to take a walk back to the child, furious that leads within, against Peace had nothing to do. The actress burgundy fritters and the jury was left with no choice other (as much as it hurts) that leave Boris outside of the end and outside of MasterChef. This is for cry, with all that he has given us this man… Traumatized I am.

See you crying without consolation, I broke the soul. I understand that it is a talent of cooking, I understand that those that stay do so because they don’t shit in the kitchen, but Boris has been the star with more light of this issue (with permission of Mario Vaquerizo) and has shut down. I put in way Samantha, crying until I explode eyes.

“I’m Not a loser, because I leave the best of me. My trail of superstar”, he said calmer. “In the previous test I thought that there is only one train that passes in life and you have to pick it up, but I think that there are two, and, para me, this is my second train. I noticed something amazing, that when you take the second train know that there is a stop that you have to take because you have already fulfilled the journey (…) to Pass by Masterchef Celebrityha been a train that I am very grateful to have taken, because I have changed a lot inside. I have learned something more than cooking, I’ve learned to be a better person. I’ve become, in addition, a person more sexy.” And again, the emotion flooded the kitchens of the program. Has been the star of MasterChef, the King, the unique, a genius of insanity, the latter expelled before the grand final.

Masterchef Celebrity 3 already got its four finalist: Mario, Ona, Peace and Antonia. Righteous and deserved finalists of MasterChef that has been much more than a cooking show. What you have got every one of them get to make the houses is worthy of applause. They have made it possible. Alea iacta est. The time has come to cross the Rubicon, dear Julius Caesar.

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