Azpiazu advances that raise incentives to make them attractive to business and workers who are subject to them

The basque Government finalizes a draft proposal of reform of the taxation that currently have plans complementary pension in the raised restrictive criteria to its whole rescue and incentives for companies and workers that receive them.

So what has released today in Bilbao, the basque minister of Finance, Pedro Azpiazu, during the opening of the conference “The problem of pensions: What to do today?. Main challenges and solutions”, held in the capital of biscay Federation of EPSV of the Basque country.

Azpìazu has been pointed out that the proposed reform of the taxation of these business plans, implemented through collective bargaining in the same part of the belief that taxation current “has not been as effective as it could have been to promote the generalization of supplementary pensions”.

The advisor has pointed out that the draft tax reform will be discussed first with the provincial councils basque, which are those that have tax jurisdiction, prior to submission to the social agents of the Basque Country.

Precisely because they must first discuss it with the provincial councils, Azpiazu has declined to enter into detail of the tax proposal even if it has been talked about your lines to get this “leverage tax” to be a “incentive” for “consideration the plans of complementary pension companies and transform existing ones”.

The proposal suggests to establish “an analogy between the contributions to the complementary system of preferred use” that make the public pension system and that, like these, have a prearranged limit and also a limit set “, which guarantees equality to all people.”

The Executive’s proposal also raises the “restrictive criteria” for people who want to rescue of the once all of the money from the plan, supplementary pension, since the goal would be to encourage the payment monthly of an amount that complements the public pension, has explained the counselor.

The proposed tax reform also raises “to encourage businesses that support the cost of the corporate contributions to the plans of employment preferred” and deductions “for those workers who are incorporated into plans and preferred for those other plans that they are not, this is for those of employment, or individual, to the effect that no one is left out of the social service complementary”.

Azpiazu has encouraged the social partners, trade unions and employers, to adopt “a more active” in the introduction of such plans to provide supplementary social in the collective bargaining of companies.

The basque minister of the Treasury has become to remember in his speech that the basque Government does not have neither the competence nor the regulatory capacity of the public pension, or would have “even if to assume the management of the system on the terms as indicated in the Statute of Autonomy”.

it Also has been pointed out that the purpose of the Income Guarantee (RGI) “is not, nor can be, in any case, to ensure a certain level of pensions”.

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