Your vote will decide at the last moment the uncertain outcome of today’s elections

The day of reflection for candidates: cinema, beach, coffee and pictures family

The electoral college is usually located a short ride away, ride that many andalucians will decide today your vote. Around half a million of voters, ruling on Sunday which ballot gets into the ballot box. Increasingly, voters delayed their verdict until the last moment. Are determined procrastinators, a type of voter that has increased at every appointment with the polls in Spain and in Andalusia stood at 500,000 people, according to the trend demoscópica. With results as uncertain as those of today in Andalusia, which ballot you choose will be more important than ever to set up the political map.

“Every time you increase the number of voters who decide at the last moment”, consensúan experts consulted by this newspaper. In the elections of 2015, 487.000 andalusian decided their vote in the same election day. And at the beginning of the current campaign, 26.6% of andalusians (1.740.098 people) do not know yet which party to vote, according to data from the CIS.

The poll of Sigma Dos published by this newspaper last Sunday reported that the PSOE was with a 30.3 per cent of the intended vote within a week of the polls, with a triple tie in second place: PP (20,8%), Cs (20,2%) and Ahead of Andalusia (19%). Therefore, a few thousand votes can decide today who is presented as the leader of the opposition and what alliances post-election are viable to govern the autonomous region.

“The undecided are going to be determining. Today decide to order the parties because the board is open. Lack determined by how much you earn the PSOE, who is second and what happens with the battle of the right”, diagnosed Carmen Ortega, a professor of Political science and public Administration from the University of Granada.

“most are in The center. it is where the battle is,” says an expert

“In Spain, the voting decision is delayed more and more. It is something that has to do with, without doubt, the widest range of elections (new political parties with the capacity to form a government), and, also, with the increased supply of information (media, social networks, etc.)”, explain José Pablo Ferrándiz, of the Middle. “There has always been undecided, but now the number is incremented. The prevailing volatility, voters who jump from one party to another. There is a photo as still as before”, says Jose Miguel de Elias, Sigma Two.

According to the polls post-election the election of 2015 in Andalusia, more than a million voters decided his choice in the last days of the campaign. “They have broken the loyalties of the parties and increase of independent voters, the less captive and more volatile, that are pending on who is the candidate and the proposals,” says Ortega. “The majority of undecided in Andalusia are of center. It is where the battle is”, tune in your analysis.

“The vote among young people is less anchored. Before, to vote for the PSOE was almost a family tradition, a party that had voted grandparents, parents, older siblings… Something similar happened with the PP, in this case, taking into account that the offer in the space in ideological right was yours” says Forester. “Campaigns are now more and more crucial. Before the images of the parties were more defined. But the arrival of Can and Cs forces you to redefine PP and the PSOE. The emergence of Vox complicates everything more,” adds Elijah.

The parties are aware of this niche of undecided voters, and how they can swing the balance towards one side or the other. Juanma Moreno, the popular candidate, has appealed to the vote useful when there is a “20% of andalusians who don’t know what you’re going to vote” today, a figure that recognizes that you can change “full” to the final result. Their leader, Paul Married, he called expressly for the purpose to this group: “we Appeal to the voter, socialist embarrassed by the transfers of Sanchez to Torra, Puigdemont and Otegi. The voter of Citizens embarrassed by the covenant of Marin with Susana Díaz or by the covenant’s embrace of Rivera Sanchez”.

Teresa Rodriguez (Forward Andalusia) summed up well the feelings of the parties during a rally: “do Not leave anyone without warning, at least inform to 50 people each and every one of you, that is the only way we win, we’re playing the victoria in the remains, in a few votes”. Íñigo Errejón apostilló this theory of look up the undecided vote: “you need to multiply and each one has been excited has to convince five people”.

Albert Rivera exemplified also this struggle for those who decide today’s the vote: “By a handful of votes can be a dream or a nightmare. We are very few votes of a historic change”.

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