Who are the main protagonists of the war in Yemen?

More than five million children, to the brink of famine by the war in Yemen

The severe blockage arabia close to Yemen to the disaster

The Senate of the united States overcame the Wednesday, a key step procedural vote on a measure that would withdraw U.S. support of the coalition of Saudi Arabia at war in Yemen, which means a blow to the position held until now by the Government of the president, Donald Trump.

With 63 votes in favour and 37 against, the senate decided to give the green light to go ahead with the measure that would Yemen american troops to support the coalition led by Saudi Arabia, according to its promoters.

The movement occurs between the international tensions following the assassination of the saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi in your country’s consulate in Istanbul, a situation in which Trump and his cabinet have advocated to maintain the existing relationship to date with Riad.

After the movement of the Senate, the house will vote next week whether to discuss or not as to their approval and to decide on possible amendments.

The proposal would bring out of Yemen to the american troops in 30 days, reported local media.

The british ambassador to Yemen, Michael Aron, has announced this Thursday that peace talks to end the war in Yemen will start next week in Sweden.

Today, the secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, has insisted that there is “no direct information” that connect to the crown prince arabia, Mohamed bin Salman, with the murder of Khashoggi and pleaded to stay in Yemen.

The holder of Foreign affairs defended the involvement of Washington in the conflict-in the who have died and 10,000 people, and which has become the largest humanitarian crisis of the moment-where the US supports the coalition headed by Saudi Arabia against the rebels hutíes.

“The suffering of Yemen I am sorry, but if the U.S. was not involved, it would be much worse. Leave Yemen would do immense damage to the national security interests of the U.S. and our allies and partners in the Middle East,” he said.

“there is No direct information linking the crown prince with the murder of Jamal Khashoggi,” stressed Pompeo in a statement to journalists after holding a closed-door meeting with senators to inform them of the findings of u.s. intelligence officials about it.

Pompeo has warned on Thursday that it would be a “grave error” for the “national security” of the US downgrade ties with Riyadh in the case of journalist after the meeting in the Senate, in which also participated the secretary of Defense, James Mattis, who held a similar line.

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