Donald Trump has accused Michael Cohen of lying to try to get a reduction in his sentence

Michael Cohen, the man who washes the dirty linen of Donald Trump

The former campaign manager of Trump kept him informed of his conversations with the prosecutor of the weft Russian

The president of the united States, Donald Trump said Thursday his former attorney,Michael Cohen, to be “weak” and “to lie to reduce his sentence”, after pleading guilty to lying to Congress in 2017 on his work for five months to build a Trump Tower in Moscow, coinciding with the presidential campaign of 2016.

The former legal representative personal Trump said Thursday in a hearing surprising in a federal court of Manhattan (New Yok) lied by “loyalty” to Trump the Congress about its negotiations on this project of building with Trump, who gave account on three occasions, and his sons, Donald Junior and Eric Trump.

Cohen pleaded guilty to a charge filed by the former director of the FBI, Robert Mueller, special prosecutor for the investigation of the interference of russia the presidential elections of the united States. This is the first time that Mueller is a public way to the former attorney of Trump in your case, in that it attempts to determine whether the associates of the president conspired with Russia to interfere in the elections. An accusation that Trump-the Thursday morning accused Mueller of conducting a “witch hunt”- has been denied on different occasions.

Meanwhile, this new charge against Cohen should not be confused with the eight of you who already have pleaded guilty, including violation of the electoral law, bank fraud and tax evasion, which is the will know the ruling in two weeks.

As things are, it becomes manifest that the president, Donald Trump lied during the campaign, when, in July of 2016, said that it had agreements with Russia. Only a month before Cohen had tried to come to an agreement for lifting of the structure in Moscow, where it is impossible to obtain work permits and procurement without the approval of the Kremlin. A work in Moscow about that Mueller has expressed interest on several occasions with questions to various witnesses.

“we Never got to an agreement,” insisted Thursday the president of the united States, on the way to the G-20 Summit in Buenos Aires, about his then long-awaited new building project in the capital of Russia. “He is a liar. The agreement never closed, and even if it had closed, had not been imported,” said Trump before boarding the Air Force One, from where he released nearly an hour later via Twitter the cancellation of his controversial bilateral meeting with president Vladimir Putin, who is expected in Buenos Aires within the framework of the high-level meetings.

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