Check your tenth:

Number how Much you Play €

The Lottery of Christmas always brings with it the illusion. Since we bought the tenth, we hope that our number will be the lucky one and, if not, at least we bring a little ‘pinch’. However, what is often not taken into account are the problems that can arise with some practices, such as sharing it.

There are four risks to be very common in the Lottery of Christmas is concerned, according to details from the Firm Hedilla Lawyers. In addition to the aforementioned share-tenths, the problems come by to purchase Lottery on the Internet, fall into the temptation of selling a tenth for the laundering of money or do not take into account taxation. Here’s how you can avoid each one.

Share Christmas Lottery

One of the most common practices between family members, work colleagues or friends is to share the Lottery of Christmas, now that is a way to decrease the expense of one-tenth without renouncing to play a number.

In these cases, the ideal is to photocopy the tenth, and that all parties have a signed copy by the back, in which you specify the money contributed by each person. However, many times you share the number on social networks or through instant messaging apps, like WhatsApp.

Have a photograph does not ensure to be one of the buyers so that in these situations it is advisable to take all possible precautions. To create a group with people who shared, send a sharp picture of the tenth, or to indicate which persons are involved and what amounts. In addition, it is beneficial to have a screenshot of that conversation.

Buy-tenths over the Internet

The purchase of tenths over the Internet is becoming more and more fashionable. You can do it from home, choose the number, to avoid queues… but carries certain risks. The main are scams.

To prevent this, the simplest is to acquire the Lottery on the website of Lotteries and Bets of the State, at the websites of each Administration or recognized pages. In case of not doing so, it is advisable to see if the url starts with https (secure site) or take into account the comments and opinions from prior purchasers.

In the purchase of tenths for the Internet, you need to avoid using computers or public wifi. And, when paying, use Paypal or virtual cards that prevent the copy of data.

to Know how are taxed a tenth award-winning

One of the novelties in the Draw of the Lottery of Christmas this 2018 is that the Treasury has imposed a levy of 20% of the award starting at 10,000 euros. While, up until last year, is applied in prizes of over 2,500 euros.

on the other hand, prizes of less than € 10,000 (both of the Christmas Lottery as of once, the Community, or the Primitive among others) will not be subject to withholding.

Sell a tenth awarded to launder money

And, if you’re one of the lucky few who on the 22nd of December, has a tenth award-winning, will surely get offers to purchase your ticket. And there will be mucus of turkey: will pay up to 20% more of the prize.

yes, it is totally illegal and, if the Treasury to discover (something not very complicated), you must pay more than half of the prize won.

According to the criteria of

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