the construction of The ambulatory, a long claim neighborhood, you will have a cost of € 3.1 million

A retiree who dedicates his life to fighting for his neighborhood, the jacket embellished with two plates combative, ” he replied without hesitation today when the vice-president of the Generalitat, Pere Aragonès, and the mayor of L’hospitalet, Nuria Marín, doubted if the current ambulatory of Santa Eulàlia had already met ten or 20 years. “Twenty years,” said the man, who has spent almost half a claim on the opening of a new Centre d ‘ Atenció Primària (CAP) in the neighborhood of 42,000 inhabitants that borders the city of Barcelona.

Another two years must wait for the neighbors of Santa Eulàlia, and are used to support waiting two weeks for a consultation with your family doctor in the obsolete equipment. It will be in 2020, as announced by the Departament of Salut, when it enters into operation of a new ambulatory long claimed whose works have already started on a site given by the town Council in the calle Bacardi.

During the public event in that it presented the beginning of the project of construction of the CAP Santa Eulàlia, which will replace the old CAP Mossèn Cinto Verdaguer, the residents of the neighborhood and the mayor, and other councillors of the Consistory received with joy the promise of the government to put into service the outpatient clinic before the end of 2020. The overset current CAP of the neighborhood, located in a rental facility, conducted in 2017 almost 118.000 visits, of which 22.094 were minors, and 4.478 home care. Are 19.728 the inhabitants of Santa Eulàlia that will serve the new equipment. Users will have more than double the square meters of spaces of care. And also the double of queries: will go from the current 18 to 35, according to data provided by the Departament de Salut.

The Catalan government will allocate more than three million euros to the construction of a center that will include prevention services; health education; care and follow-up of patients with acute and chronic; of children, dental care, and mental health support to primary care. The budget shall be financed through the Pla d Inversions of the Servei Català de Salut. The center will be managed by the Institut Català de Salut. The Pacte de Salut i Benestar de la Ciutat, signed by the government and endowed with 59 million euros, includes this and other actions up to 2021; these investments in infrastructure, 15.5 million will go to the primary care and community.

The current CAP, where the residents suffer waits of two weeks for an appointment with your doctor, will close its doors permanently when the new one opens its doors.

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