The internal difficulties to maintain a cohesive the grand coalition that runs Germany for little more than a year have ended by bringing about the downfall of Angela Merkel. His resignation to be submitted in December to the re-election as president of the christian democratic Union (CDU), led since the year 2000, which symbolizes the beginning of the end of an era of stability and economic development that began in 2005, with his first Government, and shall end when their term expires in 2021. Merkel, displaying an unusual coherence between the european political class, has decided to resign because it believed that the coalition Government with the social democrats (SPD) has “lost credibility” after the defeat of his party in the federal elections of Hesse and Bavaria, Merkel has been declared as solely responsible. “I was not born chancellor”, has declared, in an example of humility and integrity policy, the leader who with his defense of the policies of austerity and fiscal discipline contributed to overcoming the serious economic crisis in the whole of Europe, faced with courage the refugee crisis and normalize the country’s relations with the US.

But the withdrawal of Angela Merkel will not affect only to the German policy, which was threatened both by the loss of weight of the traditional parties, the SPD and the CDU, as by the alarming rise of the extreme right, which has managed to sneak in several regional parliaments, championing a xenophobic discourse and racist, and blaming the chancellor of the massive influx of immigrants into the country by their policies of acceptance and integration. Because Merkel is not only Germany. Along with France, has spent years representing strongly the values that have made Europe one of the spaces of the democratic world that greater well-being and progress have been reached, without renouncing the founding principles of the EU’s defence of human rights, the equality of citizens and the free market. For this reason, its removal poses a bad news for the European Union, which faces in the next few years to the difficult challenges of consolidating the unions bank and tax, close the difficult negotiations of the Brexit and energize the common institutions, called into question by governments intolerant as those of Hungary and Poland.

Merkel and Macron are, in addition, the european leaders that with more determination, have been opposed to the spread of populism in the continent, through nationalist movements, from the extreme right and the extreme left. In all its variants, populism represents the greatest political risk facing Europe since the Second World War, by questioning the rule of law and of the european project. With all safety, when you consume your withdrawal, there will be many in Europe, that they put out less its leadership.

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