The body port shall initiate studies to plan the long-term project about twelve years, the South Levee

The expansion would allow the entrance of ships of greater draught to give response to the international demand

The Port of Barcelona to design the strategic plan for the next few years to give response to the needs of international foreign trade which, on the basis of the objectives of improving the sustainability, will in the future by transporting a greater volume of goods with larger vessels, that is to say, to optimize the maritime transport. Hence, the beginning of the geological studies to assess the feasibility of constructing a third terminal of goods in the South Levee of the Port of Barcelona.

The project, planned in the long term as that may be completed to within 12 or 15 years, you might have the first analysis within a year, as explained by the president of the institution of the port, Mercè Conesa. It is to continue promoting the port to consolidate and raise their levels of competitiveness, adapting it to respond to the needs of the sector international trade, has been added.

Conesa has held that, although have not opened negotiations with any private operator, it is known from the interest that will set up this new infrastructure that the port will promote through a process of public assembly.

currently, the Port of Barcelona has two terminals, goods that although are not the most traffic generated in Spain are leaders in the value of the traffic generated, around 78,000 million euros per year. “We have a goods traffic important, but more significant is that we are the first port of origin and destination -particularly for asian countries – concentrating 31% of the foreign trade seaport of Spain, in addition to being the first port in transport vehicles”, added the president of the Port, and former mayor of Sant Cugat del Vallès.

In the area of goods, Barcelona opera 3 million TEUS –a unit equivalent to one 20-foot container– with the two terminals that have operating, but it will come to 4 or 4.5 million, with the expansion of the terminal Barcelona Europe South Terminal (BEST), by the chinese group Hutchison and inaugurated in September 2012, and whose works have already been started. In these times, have already begun the movements of the earth to be able to begin the expansion works of the terminal BEST, which is now operating at 84% of capacity, and the forecast is that the cranes can move to work between April and may of 2019.

there Are “grow in an orderly manner,” said Conesa, “a model of port management” that in addition includes the “improvement of intermodality and infrastructures,” managing more effectively “all systems logistics”.

In this regard, has insisted that the port must develop more and better rail infrastructure and has insured that we are negotiating with the secretary general of Infrastructures, Ports of the State and Adif to “reach consensus on the final project, feasible and viable for rail access”. Conesa has admitted that without the approval of the general budgets of the State by 2019 the resources to develop this infrastructure will depend on the “goodwill” of the central administration.