what will be our diet in 25 years? We go to a model that is more transparent and sustainable

, Algae, insects, more local product… are some of the trends

Five recipes with the ingredients of the future

half a person performs to 90,000 meals throughout his life, at the rate of three per day. “Is the most repeated in our existence with difference”, explains Gregorio Varela, president of the National Foundation of Nutrition and professor of Nutrition and Bromatology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University San Pablo-CEU in Madrid. If we take into account that each time we live more years and there is one who makes more than three intakes, the figure can increase remarkably. “How is it possible that in spite of this have not yet found a gap in the education system to speak of food and to educate the taste?”, the question in this expert recalls that one of every three boys in Spain are overweight.

When these small to meet the age of majority, the visit to the supermarket, or purchase on-line have little to do with the ones that we know today. In the linear there will be insects, algae, prevail vegetables and fruits of the season, the local product… The data of the FAO predict that in 2050 we will have to produce 70% more food; for then the world population will reach 9.000 million. Maybe still the body does not ask you to eat a cricket, but soon you’re going to have to change the chip. “Producing a kilogram of beef represents a cost of 13,000 litres of water,” says Varela. Urgent to find alternative and more sustainable -the insects are more eco-friendly and infinitely cheaper, while increasing efforts to educate the children the time to sit down at the table.

Although the science and the predictions in power do not tend to get along well, warns Varela, yes, there are tendencies more or less clear of how we will eat within the next 25 years: “we Will look for total transparency in the food chain: the consumer will want to know the nutrients, but also how it has occurred, who is behind the brand, the environment of the product, the comfort of the animals…”. Mobile will be a key ally to have and accurate information at the time about what we buy.

The challenge of knowing what we’ll take you to the mouth-to-medium term part of the Fnac, which celebrates its first quarter century. “Another clear trend is the search for a sustainable model,” says Varela at a table in the look berries, bananas, mint, insects, rice, lentils, seaweed, mushrooms, lettuce, olive oil… “we Must regain our food culture. In recent years we have lost biodiversity in our melons, our tomatoes and vegetables…,” says the professor. And that certainly implies to recover the mediterranean diet, which among so much fast food and as much processed product has been diluted in the market. “The level of knowledge of young people about our diet head to make one or two generations is a minimum.” The focus is placed back on education, the weapon to prevent and improve these data for obesity, which in Spain show that 60% of the population is overweight.

A poorer diet

Going to the grocery store represents a complete temptation. “In any large area, we have access to over 30,000 products,” says Varela. However, we have depleted our diet. “If our grandmothers ate 110 food normally; currently, there are 70 that we bought”. We have also lost healthy habits, like eating accompanied. “It is better to eat with your worst enemy to do it alone,” says Varela. Has nutritional benefits, but also emotional.

In this journey to the future we cannot ignore that awareness by reducing waste, or, what is the same, take advantage of the 100% of the food we buy. How is that not bringing the head and the spine at home in the shop? Well, look on the Internet the amount of things that can be done with them; and we speak not only of wines. In our country we throw to the garbage the 7.7 tons of food per year; we are in the seventh position worldwide. “And it is in the households where more is given. The industry and the restoration have improved in this regard.”

Precisely in the kitchens of home is where you are going to live a whole revolution in the coming years. “There will be fridges smart which will warn us of the expiration dates of the food or its nutritional composition,” says Varela, “there will be ovens that allow us to cook and vacuum packed, it will tend to techniques more healthy, we will have a kitchen more efficient, which will also be the main space of the house.” In 10 years this will all be a reality in many homes.

sprout Salad, crickets, nuts, mushrooms and seeds of the chef Gonzalo d Ambrosi.

the theory there is that to come to practice. Turn of the chef Gonzalo D’ambrosio, who in just one hour prepared five dishes simple and healthy, a sample of what is to come: a hummus, lentils with potato, wasabi and beetroot, a ‘shot’ of energy with cranberry juice and orange, red fruits and banana; a salad of sprouts, crickets -in truth, it does not give as much creeps to eat them-nuts, fungi and seeds; rice with a creamy octopus and salicornia; and, to top it off, some baked fruit with cookie and meringue.

One last point just as important as what we eat, what we move. “We now begin to know the consequences of inactivity, which is going to be the second great epidemic of our time after obesity,” says Varela. In this forecast, unfortunately, it is very possible that yes hit.

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