Had Scorsese at some point in the three days I spent this week in Oviedo counting things the key is to tell stories. That the momentum that all this is justified is that of the narrator who feels the need almost physically express themselves, in an exercise of narcissism indispensable to be considered important enough to require the world that for an instant will pay attention. And, in effect, something like that he felt himself when the teenager entered the theater and was literally face to face with The law of silence, of Elia Kazan. There was a story of failure and redemption, of boxers, and mafia. There, a Marlon Brando huge said that: “you Are my brother Charlie, you had the obligation of taking care of me… what Is that don’t you understand? I was able to claim the title. I could have been anything in life. Instead, look at me. I’m just a gulf. For you. Just for you, Charlie”. And, of course, wept. As we all do. He believed Scorsese who told him a story and, in reality, we were telling his story. Of all of us.

That was a movie, not a video content or a product. The funny thing, as Scorsese pointed out, is that for some reason movies are becoming less and less movies and more, “audiovisual content”. And that, that seems like an innocent change of name, it is a conviction. It is also very sad. It is striking that in the time that most screens coexist in a diversity almost irrational, what you see in them has undergone a transformation in the reverse direction toward unification. Everything that we see in them is confused into a pulp report where they live the tutorials to put nails, videos of kittens, sunsets from the room, the series of teen rijosos and Citizen Kane. Everything is content. And, of course, is disgusting.

Scorsese had a moment of doubt these days when it tried to explain why it does on Netflix, which, by the abdication of the major studios, has not been able to do otherwise. The irishman, he was talking about, it is also one of their projects that were more intimate and more ambitious. But the real doubt is what will happen now, once after the shooting, when the movie is thrown to the grill of the television channel is converted, already yes, in content. And there will be mixed in with everything else without more criteria that the of an algorithm capricious like will lead to Elite than to any other, with forgiveness, truño. Misunderstood this strange drift towards the abyss. We have been able to make the best of the opportunities (free access to the entire history of cinema) in most of the sentences (the devaluation and commodification of the image until the pain). “I could have been something in life”, says Brando. Required by the director of the Queens that we took on as our own the mission of the same don Quixote: topple the giants of ridicule, stupidity and, indeed, the most vulgar reality. That’s it.