The secretary of State for Social Security, Octavio Granado, has declared that today the average new pension is 45% higher than the average of new salaries.

In particular, the high pension are on average in the 1.305 euros, while the high quote just for around 900 euros in some provinces. “It is impossible to pay good pensions with poor quotes and this those who do not understand, you should understand it”, has apostille.

it has been pointed out Pomegranate in a meeting with the media after his speech at the conference ‘Social Security in the TWENTY-first Century’ organized by the Economic and Social Council (CES), where it has been pointed out that the new pensioner entering the system charges 400 euros more than average that the deceased, while the new affiliates charge between 200 and 300 euros less than the affiliate who is retiring.

“This is not what you can understand no one”, has apostille Granado, after insisting that the devaluation of wages caused by the labour reform of 2013 has been “a disaster” and after assuring that the sooner you understand that increase wages “is the only way out of the crisis, before we leave”.

During the day, Granado has ensured that the sustainability factor has been “contaminated”, because the reform in 2013, considered sustainability as an element to be achieved by the decrease of the expenses.

social Protection

on the other hand, has claimed that if Spain wants to emerge from the crisis with an economy and solidarity similar to the one of the most advanced countries of Europe, it must “collect more taxes to devote to social spending.”

In this line, Granado has been pointed out that the Spanish average spending is equal to or above the european, while in regard to social protection that is funded with taxes, the country is “below or far below”. In particular, in Spain the missing 4% of social spending, which “should not go out of stock, but of the Budgets”.

Pomegranate has also stated that transit to a system of accounts notional “immediately”, in a period of five years, would the 35% of members to collect “pension poverty”.

The system of accounts notional, adopted in some countries, consists of an individual account in which the worker builds up their contributions and, at the time of his retirement, receives a pension, calculated on several factors, with the money coming from that account.

The secretary of State defend a system of accounts notional if it ensures a convergence and everyone has the same type of quote and the same time quoted for the same pension.

In his opinion, the debate on the implementation of a system of accounts notional in Spain “just adds confusion”. Granado believes that, for that to go well, the transition to this system in Spain should be “very different”, in about 15 or 30 years, and with a contribution of public funds “very important”.

Review bonus

Asked if he is a supporter of raise the types of contribution, Pomegranate has shown to be totally against and have been assured that the problems are not the types of contribution, but the reductions and bonuses, inadequate and “other measures that have made it possible to reduce the collection of Social Security”.

In this line, Granado has been pointed out that the collection has already started to be corrected. So, it has been pointed out that this year is behaving “quite well”. On the election of all the period of contribution in order to calculate the pension, Granado has been pointed out that would only make sense in long runs of quote above 35 and a half years and have not had any break.

For its part, the confederal secretary of Public Policies and Social Protection of the vehicle.OO., Carlos Bravo, has been placed on balancing the financial situation of the system, and that implies, to speak of both the revenue and the expenditure.

Bravo, “there are many parts which have to speak before you replace the system”. As well, he remembered that in Spain there are almost 19 million contributors, of which over five million are not listed by their real income.