According to Trump the death of the journalist in the consulate arabia to Istanbul gave rise to one of the “worst cover-ups in history”

The son of Khashoggi close the hand of the enemy of his father

The secretary of State of USA, Mike Pompeo announced on Tuesday that the White House will revoke the visas of those implicated in the death of the saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, a crime which he described as “act awful”.

In a statement to the press at the State Department, Pompeo announced that the US. revoke visas of those responsible for the murder of the journalist and, in addition, is evaluating to impose sanctions, what are the first concrete actions from Washington in reaction to the event.

Pompeo explained that his Department is working with the Treasury Department to study the possibility of punishing those allegedly responsible in accordance with the law ‘Global Magnitsky’, adopted in 2016 and that allows the Executive to punish those involved in violations of human rights all over the world.

“These sentences -told – will not be the last word from US on this issue, I will continue to study additional measures for accountable those responsible. We are making it very clear that the US will not tolerate this ruthless action to silence mr. Khashoggi, a journalist, by the violence”.

however, Pompeo said that Washington will continue to maintain a “robust partnership” with Riyadh, though he noted that neither he nor the US president, Donald Trump, are “happy with this situation”.

“one of Our strategic objectives with Saudi Arabia continue, we’re seeing that you can get at the same time the double objective of protecting the american people and make accountable those responsible for the murder of Khashoggi”, he argued.

The holder of Foreign not clarified who are the people that the U.S. has identified as alleged perpetrators and that will void their permits to enter the territory of the united states because the visa information is considered confidential by the immigration authorities.

The Uk has also announced Wednesday that it revoked the visas of any citizen of Saudi Arabia who has been allegedly involved in the murder of the journalist, has been announced by the british prime minister, Theresa May.

In the session of questions to the leading conservative in the House of Commons, May has said the Uk “condemns in the strongest terms” the killing of Khashoggi in the consulate of saudi arabia in Istanbul.

Trump: “The worst cover-up in history”

For its part, the us president, Donald Trump, said on Tuesday that the death of the journalist in the consulate arabia to Istanbul gave rise to one of the “worst cover-ups in history”.

“His original concept was very bad, to put it into practice very badly, and the cover-up was the worst in the history of cover-ups,” said Trump in a statement to reporters in the Oval Office. “Whoever thought of that idea I think it is in many troubles, and should be,” added the representative, in reference to the alleged plan to kill Khashoggi.

The president said that many leaders of countries influential are incensed by the murder of the journalist, and noted: “Nobody is more than me.”

“there Has to be some kind of retaliation” for what happened, he stressed Trump, who predicted that plans to “leave in the hands of the Congress’ deliberation on the response of the US, although he will make the final decision. “I’m going to ask that the colleagues of the Congress, I recommend (possible answers)”, he explained.

Trump reiterated, however, that is not inclined to restrict the sale of arms to Riyadh, because “Russia, China and France would take advantage quickly,” of that business opportunity if the united states rejected him.

The president refused to clarify whether it shared the conclusions of the president Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who today called it “premeditated”, “wild” and “political” murder of a saudi journalist. “It was pretty hard with Saudi Arabia. It is a very bad situation, and the president Erdogan did not praise” for Riyadh, said Trump.

he Also recalled that the director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Gina Haspel, traveled this week to Turkey for more details on the case of Khashoggi and Trump trusted information about it “tonight or tomorrow”.

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