Sex, drugs and teenagers, Spanish

serial Killer: The bombing of ‘Elite’

Andreas Schleicher, responsible for the Education of the OECD, has passed in Spain, has met with the minister of Education, has seen a thousand interviews with the media, has made it clear that it is better to invest in the training of teachers in reducing the number of students per class, has insisted that the private schools have no better results that the public has been warned about the outdated education laws and Spanish, already established in flour, has denounced, in order: from the sad commitment memorizador of the Spanish learner going through the wrong, useless, of the measures segregadoras without forgetting to mention, that yes, the expertise of the students patriotic in matters completely irrelevant. If it is two more days here calls for the immediate demolition of the Royal Academy… And, who knows, maybe you have reason.

But we don’t despistemos, what we wanted to point out with the hit preceding paragraph is that the good man has gone to his home without saying a word about what is really important and that since more than a week ago has institutes of Spain completely arrested. And even in a state of shock. In effect, what do you think the creator of the PISA test of Elite? Yes, right now, the Spanish students are more aware of the abdominal Guzmán and Christian that of the tributaries in the pyrenees to the Ebro, the derivative of the arctangent and the genitive saxon together. And separately even.

we must recognise that, without inventing anything that had not already successfully tested, for example, The O. C. or Physics or Chemistry, the success of the series from Netflix is basically to do everything. But, and this is the important thing, all wrong. So this may sound a contempt, it is in fact a merit. The biggest one of them all. Think of Mcdonald’s, Telecinco, the football League, the movies of superheroes or The sixth night. All of them, together or separately, or they are unhealthy or embotan the arteries, or simply fat. But, in effect, who resists.

Elite is, from beginning to end, pure algorithm, in the most vulgar of senses. Everything that is supposed to interest the teens in motion is presented with a delicacy that verges on the attack of myocardium. There is everything: drugs, sex, in all its poliformas, infectious diseases, mystery of water and a flashback that simply tide. That said, there is nothing that has neither sense nor a minimum of substance, or, as posts, the most elementary decorum intellectual. But what else gives. What counts is that, in addition to not missing anything, it’s all wrong. Said Kundera that our disagreement with the shit, with forgiveness, is the root metaphysics. And he added that the time to go to the bathroom “is a demonstration daily of the unacceptable of the divine creation”. Well, he was wrong. The trash, get over it, puts us. Puts us fat, lazy, clumsy, somewhat stupid… but it puts us. As the education in Spain, according to Andreas Schleicher, but to the beast. That’s Elite.