Marín Civera and Luis Abad are the protagonists of an investigation of Ricardo Tejada, in collaboration with the Fundación Banco Santander, presented Fernando Savater

According to Fernando Savater, the philosophy has to be about the great schemes vital, “on the life, death and time”, and “not about to get in or not this week on Twitter”. The reflection of the writer took place at the headquarters of the Fundación Banco Santander, during the presentation of towards a new humanism. The book, a result of the extensive research work of the professor of the University of Le Mans, Ricardo Tejada, comes to vindicate the figure of two thinkers forgotten by the public at large.

Marín Civera (Valencia, 1900), and Luis Abad (Almería, 1895), are, according to the creator of the book, “probably the two philosophers in Spanish that more is ahead of his time, the period between the two world wars in Europe.” Savater added: “The intelligentsia looked to Ortega and Gasset, and perhaps Maria Zambrano, but never came to this layer of depth”. Modernity ahead of which the reference was made in the presentation, he speaks of two men who had as their guide teacher reflections technology. In Culture, kinetic, text included in the collection, Abbot writes: “it Is the culture of the masses, that produces pleasure, sometimes a intoxication is immediate. Is the notion of competition, which is based on the skill, the speed, the precision, the thrill, the unbridled energy and, many times, the unbridled greed for profit.”

Exiled to Mexico after the Spanish Civil War because of its close relationship with the Free Institution of Education, both authors were falling into oblivion through the fault of its null integration in the university system. Civera, yes, got some relevance to the front-of-publications-in-exile, as the newspaper Mediterrani. Thus, his sorrow was reflected in black and white. “Alienating a man from his homeland is like trying to wrest the soul of torn”, wrote to make clear their distress, at the same time stated that “the fate of Spain is not to be decided in the trenches, if not in the city of London”.

Both Tejada as Savater advocated for the inclusion of both authors at the reborn a mandatory subject of philosophy, although the author of Ethics for Amador wanted to qualify: “I Hope that the return of the philosophy not in self-help books or manuals of guerrilla street”.

beyond the current may be the thoughts that buried the exile, the lives of Abbot and Civera are the paradigm of a infamous time: “sometimes we praise the parliamentary times of Azaña and we forget how he ended up everything,” explains Savater. Attending Francisco Javier Expósito, responsible for the Collection Essential Work of the institution, this work of two years of research “speaks to sublimate the thinking with ideas and should be book header for all prescribers of opinion”.

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