In the U.S., 2017 was the costliest year on record for natural disasters with the bill exceeding $306 billion. Part of this damage was racked up in over a dozen places across Oklahoma, Missouri, and Arkansas where record-high water levels during the spring caused major flooding and costly damage.


According to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, every region in the United States is susceptible to flooding, even dry regions. Furthermore, winter time flooding is considered the number one natural disaster country wide. While this fact my surprise people who often associate winter weather damage more with ice and snow, it is important not to be caught unprepared. The bottom line is that flooding is a recipe for disaster and steep damage.


Winter flooding can be caused by various weather conditions and circumstances including coastal flooding, tidal flooding, ice jams in rivers or lakes, rapid snowmelt, and water levels that rise quickly in a short period of time. Whatever the cause, flooding can take a huge physical, financial, environmental, and emotional toll as it usually brings with it widespread devastation. In the worse cases floods can eradicate homes, businesses and even complete neighborhoods while tragically taking human lives.


As the winter weather nears and in the face of such potential loss, it is good to know that there are concrete steps that residents can take to protect themselves and their property from flood damage. The first line of defense is keeping unwanted water away from your home. To do so make sure that the floor drains located beneath the basement, bathroom, garage, laundry room and patio floors are clear and running smoothly. These strategically placed drains lead straight to the sewer line and need to be maintained regularly to ensure proper functioning. If there are any blockages or the water is moving sluggishly it is best to call in the help of drain cleaning experts who are professionally trained to make sure the drains are functioning optimally.


It is also crucial to check that the downspouts and gutters are aligned, in good shape, and free of debris so as to avoid water accumulation. Similarly, If your home is equipped with a sump pump to keep your basement dry, be sure to test that it is working properly long before the rainy season so any necessary repairs can be made. Finally, it is helpful to have backwater valves installed in your home’s drains. These drains are engineered to move water away from your home, going a long way in keeping excess water from building up precariously close to your property.


However, even with the best of preparation sometimes disasters, including flooding, are unavoidable. That is why it is a wise idea to invest in buying a flood insurance policy and to make a detailed flood plan just in case disaster strikes.