Responsive design is one of the many responsibilities of web designers when it comes to designing websites. It pertains to how web pages are supposed to respond to different devices and modes of viewing so that the page remains to easily navigable and the design doesn’t look messed up. All web designers, like those from Website Design Oxford, should know how important this is. However, responsive design is challenging without the tools to help achieve it.

There are many reasons why newbie designers find responsive design difficult, but with some research, they’ll discover that there are a lot of ways to make responsive design easy to the point that you can quickly change designs to fit any devices in the future.

  1. Customised themes. Out on the internet, there are a lot of customised themes that you can apply to your website. These use CSS3 and JavaScript and are easily customisable. So what you can do as a designer is to pick a theme and customise it. From there, create the custom themes that you can use to apply to any of your future projects. When you use a theme for one project, you can modify it (like colours and fonts) and then use it on another project.
  2. Layout first. Along the way of building up your custom theme, you should work on the layout first and the initial design (the design people see when viewed on a PC) before getting started anywhere else. That will help you decide how the page will eventually change when the site responds to the viewing device.
  3. Anticipate the updates. You’ll have to prepare for future updates on the technology and software you are using. That is so that you can keep yourself and your websites up-to-date.

  4. Be sure to test your design. Never deploy without testing. So, with responsive design, ensure that you have almost everything covered. The best way to see this is to use “developer tools” in browsers, as well as viewing them in mobile devices. Some tools also have functions that show you how pages will look.
  5. Get rid of everything that isn’t important. Especially when the page is for mobile viewing, remove anything that is just decorative. The website’s logo, however, is an exception. While it might be decoration, it is also the identity of the website’s owner. That means that it must appear on every webpage. Many designers use the logo as a link back to the homepage.
  6. Finally, try using different software for designing. Don’t just stick to using one software. Try out everything for various projects, even the open-sourced, free ones out there.

Just remember: not all of the suggestions may work for everyone. But it’s a start if you don’t know where to begin. Hopefully, this will help to make responsive design more comfortable for you. With cleaner pages, faster loading time, and different tools to help you out, you’ll be able to make your designs responsive in no time.

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