
  • Page 1 — for math girls need courage
  • Page 2 — Wade wants more diversity in research
  • Page 3 — “Try to create more than you trust”
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    That girls are supposedly not interested in natural sciences, Jess Wade learned only late in her life. She went to a girls ‘ school and nobody claimed that boys were better at maths. Her parents, both doctors, support her daughter’s interest in technology. Still in physics, Wade did not worry. Only as a doctoral student did she suddenly realize: she was only researcher on her team. She was a minority.

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    A doctoral sis means isolation. It was hard enough to withstand, but as a woman Wade felt particularly alone. She became uncertain, asking herself: Where are ors actually? Am I doing something wrong?

    This moment, doctor in physics says today, she wants to spare or women. It is not case that girls are not interested in science. They would only be hindered by prejudices.

    Wade wants to make girls brave. She is currently researching as a postdoctoral student at Imperial College in London about light-emitting diodes – but she has already told students in countless lectures why her physics is fun, what fascinates her about work of engineers and why math can be exciting. She is committed to Wise campaign, which aims to inspire women to engineering and natural sciences, and to network Stemettes, whose members pursue same goal. In exchange program hidden no more for leadership women with technical or natural science education, launched by U.S. State Department, she represented United Kingdom. Through its use, it wants to change settings.

    Self-doubt directs damage

    “We need to get rid of stereotypes,” says Wade. She means, for example, prejudice that brain of women is simply not made for science and mamatics. The idea is widespread, especially because so far many efforts have failed to attract pupils for so-called Mint subjects (mamatics, computer science, natural sciences, technology). This is same in Britain as it is in Germany. Even scientists sometimes demand “to leave girls alone with math.”

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    “That’s a myth,” says Wade. She says: The pupils are discouraged by prejudices from fellow students, teachers and parents. She’s not only one who sees it that way. Engineering Professor Barbara Oakley, author of a book on learning, recently wrote in The New York Times that pupils are as good as students up to a certain age in math. Only when y began to doubt mselves, did y practise less. Only n would ir performance be worse.

    Studies from Germany support sis. “Women also apparently study mint subjects far less often than men, because y underestimate ir mamatical skills very early in ir school days and refore develop preferences for or subjects, mostly languages,” says educational researcher Felix Erhardt, who conducted a study for German Institute of Economics last year. “This means that employers in mint sector, who often complain that y hardly find skilled workers, may have lost many talented women.”