
  • Page 1 — “The exit from coal stream will come”
  • Page 2 — Initiative 1: Away with coal. Initiative 2: Help for climate actions
  • Page 3 — Initiative 3: Passport for climate refugees. Initiative 4: Money for Change
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    Since Conference of Rio in year 1992 re are DenWissenschaftlichen Advisory Council of federal government Global environmental changes (WBGU). His mission: to analyse global environmental and development issues, to report on reports, to point out problems and to develop action/SowieForschungsempfehlungen. Now WBGU presents a new paper: “Time-just climate policy – four initiatives for fairness”. Dirk Messner, director of German Institute for Development Policy () in Bonn and co-chairman of WBGU, speaks about its interconnections signs purpose.

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    Online Time: HerrMessner, before next UN climate conference in Poland, Scientific Advisory Council proposes global environmental changes (WBGU) of Bundesregierungvier major policy initiatives. Why new start-ups, obwohlso many emission reduction projects have not yet been implemented?

    Dirk Messner: Our ideas respond specifically to problem that is now in centre of DerKlimaschutzverhandlungen and threatens to seriously block it: diefehlende Justice in climate policy. Especially development UndSchwellenländer in Africa, Asia or Latin America are increasingly asking: who will bear costs if we have to equip our way, to Klimaverträglichumbauen and to prepare ourselves for consequences of climate change? They say: Wirmachen not with, as long as se costs are not fair after Verursacherprinzipverteilt. Even in our own society, climate protection is vonvielen supported, but it should be socially compatible.

    Online Time: DieseDebatte is not new…

    We have only seen social dimensions on sidelines.

    Messner: Afloat was underestimated politically. We from WBGU also practice self-criticism. Alswir in year 2011 described in a much-regarded opinion “great transformation” to a climate-friendly society, we have emphasized dieökonomisch-technological challenges of transition, but Diesozialen dimensions only on sidelines. Now we’re going to remind your Gestaltungan. The right to climate justice is also wieMillionen by people in ir own country who live elsewhere on globe – or in DerZukunft.

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    Online Time: IhrenMaßnahmenkatalog Titulieren you as a “time-just”. Why DerBindestrich?

    Messner: To illustrate double challenge of climate policy: we müssenGerechtigkeit ensure – and at same time act in a timely manner. Beimnotwendigen exit from fossil energy sources say yes in denIndustrieländern many, we left affected people in rain. Then it is said that structural change must be slower take place to social Verträglichzu.

    Online Time: Daserleben We just got coal Commission?

    It is dishonest to delay climate protection and to disguise that with justice arguments.

    Messner: In fact: it is dishonest to delay climate protection and to disguise that with Gerechtigkeitsargumentenzu. We know that if greenhouse gas emissions do not go to zero bisMitte of century, n we run risk of creating a Umbruchdes whole of global system – and that is also irresponsible for reasons DerGerechtigkeit. We want to dissolve this contradiction “time-just”.