German Chancellor Angela Merkel does not currently want to discuss German aid for currency crisis in Turkeyand. The CDU chairman had in Parteigremiensitzungenklargemacht “that she sees no need to think about special German aid for Turkey at moment,” Sagtedie CDU general Secretary Annegret Kramp-cart builder. Previously, EinigeUnionspolitiker had already spoken out against support.

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SPD chief Andrea Nahles had brought such aid to weekend to stabilise situation in Turkey. Government spokesman Steffen Sally confirmed ” German interest in economic stability of Turkey”. He pointed out that, in a phone call with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan last week, Merkel agreed that re should be contacts between ministries of finance and economy of both countries before Erdoğan’s visit Germany.

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan-» Turkey has power and ability to overcome crisis «Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan referred to currency crisis as an attack on economy. In meantime, SPD boss Andrea Nahles is considering financial aid. © Photo: Presidency Press Service via AP/DPA Turkey completes IMF help so far

According to Federal Ministry, Turkish Ministers for Finance, trade and transport are to come to Germany on 21 September. Erdoğan visits Federal Republic on 28 and 29 September. Scholz n telephoned last Thursday with his Turkish colleague, Erdoğan’s son-in-law Berat Albayrak.

A spokeswoman for Federal Ministry of Economics responded to question of possible aid for Turkey that it was “too early” to mention concrete instruments. This is not yet subject of discussions. However, re is “a wide range” of ways to promote foreign trade and commerce.

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As regards possible financial assistance from International Monetary Fund (IMF) for Turkey, government spokesman Sally said that it was up to each state to ask for aid. The leadership in Ankara has so far precluded an amendment to IMF.