
  • Page 1 — “Everyone wants to die in his own village”
  • page 2 — campaign against UNHCR met with resistance
  • Page 3 — “We’re afraid we’ll be sent back sometime”
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    This summer was Salhadrauf to leave Lebanon. For sake of her son Mohammed, she n left it. The 65-year-old grandmor finally wanted to rebuild her home in Syria, so that Mohammed and his five children could return re. Mohammed is now 45 years old and a successful ex-smuggler, but Salha has raised him all by himself – so why should she stop worrying about him now?

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    Currently, DieFamilie lives on a friend’s farm in Arsal, a city in mountainous border region of Lebanon to Syria; There, decision is transported. Mohammed lost his far at five months, not sibling hater – his mor and he are accustomed to being re for each or. DieVorstellung, as she sits alone in her village in Syria, may need einenArzt and not let anyone know, is unbearable for him. Finally, Salha agreed to wait until Mohammed convinced whole Familievon of common return.

    Mohammed sucks at SeinerZigarette and explains dilemma of his family. Salha Wirdlangsam Frail and yearns for her home just behind DenKalamun-Bergen, and Mohammed wants to fulfill her desire. “Everyone wants to die in his own village,” he says. His sons, however, 18 and 20, Weigernsich to go back. They are afraid that y will have to be confiscated and fight Syrian war; Mohammed fears that y might also have problems with Imlebanon. “Going back is dangerous, stay here to,” he says.

    The war in Syrienhat brought with it rupture of many international norms. The ban on VonChemiewaffen and ban on attacking journalists, schools, hospitals has been repeatedly disregarded. The repatriation of Syrians is now threatening to undermine coincidedwith principle that has been in place since Second World War: refugees Dürfennicht be forced to return to a country where y are in danger.

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    The principle of voluntary return has long since been threatened. Today’s conflicts last longer, strapazierenHilfsbudgets and capacities and benevolence of neighbouring countries; ReichereLänder outside war zones, however, take up fewer people. SOBLEIBT refugees often have little possibility of returning home, passable is still so dangerous.

    Charlotte Alfred

    is editor-in-chief of website “Refugees deeply”. Previously, she worked as a reporter for “Huffington Post” with a focus on Africa and Middle East. She has been involved in numerous documentaries for PBS Frontline series, such as crisis in Egypt, after working as an editor of news agency Ma ‘ in West Bank.

    For many Syrians, ” concept of voluntary return is gradually losing its meaning,” says Maha Yahya, director of Carnegie Middle East Center in Beirut, kürzlicheine of most comprehensive studies on conditions for return of Syrian Flüchtlingeveröffentlicht. “Many have to decide: do y want to live in misery in a host country that rejects m – or do y want to put ir lives at risk to return to ir homeland, which y do not necessarily habenwill.”

    So far, few believe that return is worth taking this risk. 2017 are, according to UN, from 5.6 million who fled Syria, 77,300 returned to country independently.

    Returning refugees Unfreiwilligzurück or because y have no alternative, this often ends in a erneutenFlucht. “Return works best when it was a free decision, and it often matures only gradually,” says researcher Katy Long, die2013 for UNHCR refugee agency an independent study on return verfassthat. “But in most of escape situations re is strong political pressure, because states erklärenwollen crisis for end by bringing people back.”