After collapse of Morandi Bridge in Genoa, its operator has pledged 500Millionen euro to autostrate per L ‘ Italia. The money is to be Genuaverwendet for reconstruction of Autobahnbrückesowie for help to city. When overlooking consequential costs of accident, “Kommtman quickly to half a billion euros,” said UnternehmenschefGiovanni Castellucci at a press conference. This sum would be ready from Monday.

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The juristical of bridge collapse Castellucci from his company: “We denkennicht that conditions exist, responsibility for an event zuübernehmen, cause of which must first be determined.” At DemUnglück, 43 people had died according to latest findings.

Castellucci Entschuldigtesich, however, did not show enough compassion for victims. Erversprach to help families of victims and those about 600 people, dieinfolge of calamity had to leave ir homes. The buildings teilsunterhalb bridge must be demolished according to authorities ‘ information.

New building within eight months?

His society could build a new bridge in eight months, as soon as necessary Genehmigungenvorlägen, said Castellucci. With Morandi Bridge, Genoa lost an important connection between east and west part of city. It also belonged to A10 and thus one of most important north-south connections in Italy.

PremierministerGiuseppe Conte had initiated a process to withdraw license from PrivatenBetreibergesellschaft autostrate per L ‘ Italia. The Italian Government makes society responsible for collapse of bridge. Interior Minister Matteo Salvini had sieaufgefordert to provide about 500 million euros for affected families and ÖrtlicheBehörden.

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Four days after collapse of bridge, helpers found corpse of LetztenVermissten. In rubble, remains of a worker were discovered in Genoa, said EinFeuerwehrsprecher. Previously, helpers had already discovered more corpses. According to speaker, under a concrete block, y found car of a Ehepaaresaus Turin, which had been travelling with its nine-year-old daughter. It Seijedoch not possible at first to determine how many corpses were in DemWagen.

The four-lane Morandi Bridge in west of norrn Italian city was on Monday during a storm on a length of more than 200 Meterneingestürzt. Officially identified were until Saturday 40 deaths, three corpses still need to be identified via forensic investigations.