In view of outeinengeplanten of counter-demonstrators, right-wing extremists have cancelled onslaught in Berlin-Spandau and dodged to east of city. Some Neonazisfuhren after rejection of Spandau rally in Berliner StadtteilFriedrichshain, where also a demonstration of right-wing extremist angemeldetwar. In afternoon re were about 500 rights in direction of BahnhofLichtenberg.

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More than 1,000 people took part in a counter-demonstration in district of Spandau, followed by a democracy festival with thousands of Teilnehmendenstatt. “No space for Nazis” was on balloons. Older demonstrators hieltenTransparente with inscription “Grannies against right” or “Spandau remains Nazifrei”. The police went for bottle and stone throwing against EinzelneGegendemonstranten. Wrangles also existed as Gegendemonstrantenversuchten to put neo-Nazis in way and were forced by police. Also in Berlin-Lichtenberg Gabes several hundred against demonstrators.

The Demonstrationenrichteten against annual Neonaziveranstaltung on death day of Rudolf Hess, who had taken his life on 17th August1987 in war crimes prison in Spandau. In addition, numbers 1 and 8 in Neo as codes for DieAnfangsbuchstaben of name of Adolf Hitler, so that 18.8.18 alsbesonderes date was applied.

A counter-alliance from CDU to left

The counter-rally in Spandau was organized by Berlin Alliance against Law, in which many organizations are involved. “We show that we are in an honest culture of remembrance and DieVerantwortung that atrocities of Nationalsozialismusnicht dictatorship are repeating. For such a democratic society stand wirein, “it said in call.

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The call was supported by Berlin’s Potentate Mayor Michael Müller and by federal Family Minister Franziska Giffey (both SPD) and VonGrünen, left Party, CDU and SPD, as well as churches and trade unions. Müllerund Giffey advertised for a tolerant Berlin and “a society ohneHass and agitate”.

Until his death in 1987, Hess was imprisoned in war crimes prison of Allied Berlin-Spandau. For 30th anniversary of his death, hundreds of neo-Nazis were drawn to Spandau. They did not come far, however, as by blockades of numerous counter-demonstrators were stopped.