When big stars suddenly become small, y are usually moments of terrible tragedy. A year ago, on Elton John’s AIDS gala, Aretha Franklin’s voice seemed as thin as singer herself, as if both were no longer re. And yet, she sang on.

Even with a fraction of her voice, in stranglehold of an incurable cancer, “Queen of Soul” had more passion, more strength, more pride and grace than anyone who wanted to follow her. Now she is silent. And all good wishes of past days, with which friends, companions, half-showbiz prayed for dying, y show: Aretha Franklin will remain unforgotten. She had not only incomparable soul. Behind her is also a long life in service of something higher than music alone.

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It all starts, not surprisingly, in Detroit, when Motown still produces cars on assembly line instead of hits of day. On March 25, 1942, Aretha Louise comes to world as daughter of country’s popular Baptist preacher Clarence LaVaughn Franklin, who brings his four children into contact with sound of his church at an early stage. Aretha is resounding from gospel. He resounds at home, in community and inevitably also on her debut album, which she plays with barely 18 years. Even n she opens up to pop, mixes bebop, jazz, soul, even rock elements under her R ‘ N ‘ B and celebrates first successes after change from Columbia to Atlantic Records in early 1960s.

Their breakthrough, however, follows only 1967 with respect. When Otis Redding wrote song two years earlier, demand for evening recognition for bread-and-roll earner still sounded quite traditional: “I’m about to give you all my money/and all I’m asking in return is Honey”. However, he is quickly interpreted by a woman as a hymn of feminine self-assertion and makes woman behind it icon of strong emancipation movement – without Furor of 1968, but with style, elegance and very, really very, very much love. The song think beats a year later in same score.

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The majority of approximately 300 known songs that Aretha Franklin has interpreted are about types and how to idolize m, snatch and apparently more importantly: to bind forever. This is exactly what she sings so humorous, self-confident, defiant and beautiful that most oily expression of longing for liberation struggle sounds. And although she was voted best singer ever by Rolling Stone – only woman in top group – she never had best voice in genre. Ella Fitzgerald sounded warmer, fuller, almost perfect, Whitney Houston more powerful, Tina Turner Filthier, not to mention Amy Whinehouse. And Supremes, well, y were three.

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Aretha Franklin had this rebellious in soul, coupled with a stage presence that was directly related to her physicality. Her figure was almost a lifetime statement for feminine ingenuity, who attacked ruling beauty ideal without attacking it frontally. With all her curves, she was as attractive in a natural way as she sang in worldwide hit (You Make Me feel like a) Natural woman. This gestural cooperative unruliness accompanied m well 50 years by at least 100 studio albums, compilations, live recordings, collaborations – and primed ir first number-one hit respect as well as 20 years after last name knew you were waiting with George Michael.

But Aretha Franklin never sounded more with himself and everything she made out than in January 2009. At Barack Obama’s inauguration celebration, she sang not only for first president of dark skin, but for a nation that, after centuries of legalized oppression, felt closer to goal of true equality than ever. In year 2015, when she appeared in Washington in a fur coat on piano, it stirred even most powerful man in world to tears, as elemental force of this indomitable woman still defied most treacherous tumor. In end, he won.

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Aretha Franklin fought for good with means of music and directed a dignified, poignant, never angry or melodramatic appeal to feminine self-confidence. To say it with one of her most beautiful songs: Forever and Ever you’ll stay in our heart.

Condolence book

Dear readers, in commentary section of this article, we want to give you opportunity to share your memories and thoughts with deceased with a book of condolences. Respect for piety is important to us in case of deaths, which is why all comments are reviewed before publication.