A tank truck explodes on a highway near Bologna airport. At least two people were killed, at least 60 were injured, some of m severe, reported Italian news agency Ansa. A video that spread police on Twitter shows accident. There are several trucks that are closely on right lane of highway. The tank truck controls seemingly unbraked directly into truck snake and explodes only a few seconds later. A short time later a second, much larger explosion follows.

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Chiuso Raccordo autostradale tra Bologna Casalecchio e il bivio con la A14Bologna-Taranto, in Entrambe le Direzioni, a causa di un incidente al km 3 che ha visto coinvolta un ‘ autocisterna. Chiuso anche il relative tratto tangezialeIn corso Rilievi poliziastradale @StradeAnas Pic.twitter.com/tUZBBBTM0H

— Polizia di Stato (@poliziadistato) August 6, 2018

The incident had occurred on Monday noon at about 2:00 p.m. On Twitter, police released anor video that shows that part of freeway bridge has collapsed. Burning debris put or cars nearby on fire, which partly also exploded. The intervention Coordinator of fire brigade, Giovanni Carella, spoke of a “huge pressure wave”.

By explosion, some people would have suffered severe burns, it was said by police. Ors were hit by glass splinters when window panes were shattered in surrounding buildings, channel Sky TG24 reported.

On a photo of fire brigade from air were seen dark smoke and burning cars in a parking lot. Several streets in area were locked. According to Ansa, extinguishing work was difficult due to large heat development. They were closed on Monday afternoon.

The Highway 14 leads along site of Bologna Airport. However, this was not affected by operator’s information. Also, re has been no impact on flight operations.