In her government statement, German Chancellor Angela Merkel conjured up cooperation in Europe, including, and above all, issue of refugees. “Germany is only going to be good in long run if Europe is going well in long run,” said CDU chairwoman shortly before EU summit. Europe Habeviele challenges. “But migration could be a question of destiny for European Union,” said Chancellor in Bundestag.

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Merkel promised that she would be at EU Summit for “Security of Germany and security of EU”. At same time, however, it dampened expectations for discussions in Brussels: “We are not yet where we want to be,” said chancellor. The EU states are not yet ready to agree on a common European asylum system. Five out of seven key issues are now largely united. However, problems still exist in introduction of equal standards in processing of asylum applications and in question of “solidarity-sharing of migrants and refugees”.

The Chancellor wants to arrange short-term measures with a “coalition of willing”. This is certainly not perfect, but “a good basis” for furr discussions. “Not unilaterally, not uncoordinated and not at expense of third parties”, Merkel explained her maxim and added later: “We have always worked that way!”.

Seehofer not on government bank

From afternoon onwards, Heads of State and Government of 28 EU member States will meet to discuss, among many or issues, a possible reorganisation of European migration policy. Merkel is under special pressure because she has to convince her EU colleagues of a European solution and thus to pacify asylum dispute with CSU.

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CSU chief and federal Interior minister Horst Seehofer, who was not present this morning in Bundestag and was represented on government bank by his parliamentary state secretary Marco Wanderer’s seat, requires clarification until weekend. Orwise, he wants to act alone and let refugees who have already been registered in anor EU country be rejected at German border.

Merkel rejects such national solos a, but a European solution should not convince all EU countries so quickly. For years, however, Europe has been divided on question that several countries have already announced that y are not prepared to take back refugees from Germany. The Chancellor’s environment also dampens expectations for meeting. It was said from government circles in Berlin that re would be bilateral talks on sidelines of Brussels summit. First signals are positive. However, such meetings have not yet been agreed.

“Clarity on Sunday”

On Sunday, CDU and CSU leadership teams would like to discuss results of EU summit separately and furr action. The CSU leaders meet in Munich, CDU leadership in Berlin. “We want clarity on Sunday,” said Seehofer on Wednesday evening in ARD.

In interview, interior Minister reaffirmed his position, but at same time signalled willingness to agree. “I know no one in party who wants to endanger government in Berlin, who wants to dissolve group community with CDU or even chancellor wants to overthrow,” he said. If a European solution succeeds, n issue of a national single-handed approach is done. “We will try to solve this reasonably in maintaining mutual credibility,” said CSU chief. “I cannot guarantee it today, but firm will is re.”

CDU vice-President Julia Klöckner is expecting enough progress in Brussels so that Union parties can put ir quarrels into action. “Internally and externally, we need European measures which have a similar effect as Horst Seehofer’s proposal – re will certainly be movement at EU summit,” she said to Stuttgart newspaper and Stuttgart News. However, she warned CSU not to insist on ready-made solutions on weekends. If or EU countries agreed to take back agreements with Germany, said Klöckner, “such agreements would still have to be drawn up”.