
  • Page 1 — arguing like 2015
  • Page 2 — is Merkel too weak?
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    The union is again arguing about issue of refugees. Similarly to Bundestag election, CDU and CSU are irreconcilable, unbeweglichund with a lot of incomprehension. At that time, re were, among or things, UmTransitzonen and an upper limit.

    Now everything revolves around so-called master plan zurMigration by federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU). This should actually be presented to Bundestag members of CDU and CSU and n to press on Tuesday. Nothing came of it.

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    In 63 points, spread over four chapters, Seehoferdar sets out how he wants to achieve that in future fewer refugees will come to Germany. It is a question of combating causes of refugees, cooperation between transit States and European initiatives. 62 points of previously unpublished paper are probably marinas undisputed between sister parties. The greater Zoff at one point: should asylum seekers be rejected at German border?

    The CSU insists: anyone who has already lodged an application for asylum in a andereneuropäischen country should gehindertwerden on entry. To make a hit in Europe-wide fingerprint database Eurodac Solldas possible.

    “We are using me”

    Chancellor and CDU leader Angela Merkel does not want this. It has legal and political concerns. Rejections, national Alleingängekönnten endanger stability of Europe, it is said from CDU. European law also foresees that se people in Germany will be able to take legal steps first, before y may be deported to anor EU state.

    Again, two parties to conflict are threatening to fall back into a altesMuster: from a matter of fact, as with denvorausgegangenen disputes in refugee policy, a grundsätzlicheGlaubensfrage could be made. Instead of exploring possible compromises, both sides turn to stubborn.

    Wher CSU proposal is legally possible at all, assessments of experts also deal with this. The chief DerCSU Group, Alexander Dobrindt, refers to Basic Law, DasAsylgesetz and European Dublin rules: “We want to implement applicable law,” he says. Those who question se laws have a “seltsamesVerständnis of rule of law.”

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    “We are using me,” stresses Dobrindt. MöglicheKompromisse, such as rejections only from vereinbartenObergrenze of 220,000 refugees per year in coalition agreement, are none for him: “The ceiling commercialises contingent. We do everything to ensure that it is not reached at all. ” Einenmöglichen Deal – The CSU gives in here, gets anor claim for it – he also rejects it. Finally, France rejected 85,000 refugees last year, most of m to Italy. Why should Dasbei not be possible for us, some ask mselves in CSU.

    The applause from Bavaria makes margins smaller

    At a meeting of CSU regional group on Monday HatteSeehofer presented his plan and, according to meeting participants, received great Rückhaltvon from his deputies. The CSU concatenates subject Zurückweisungenmit ors. The CSU states that mass immigration of 2015 and all subsequent phenomena such as Krisebeim Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) must be considered toger.

    The new strong man in Munich, Prime Minister Markus Söder, feels same way. He stood demonstratively behind SeinenParteifreund Seehofer. In Bavaria is chosen in autumn. As CSU chief, Seehofer Fühltsich also committed to a good result in homeland. The slogan from Münchenstärkt Seehofer’s negotiating position. But it also increases pressure on denInnenminister and takes it to room. Should Seehofer fail with SeinemMasterplan, he would have to fear considerable image loss in Munich. If Dannauch still had to go wrong with Landtag election and Erzählungverfestigen that reasons for it were in Berlin, Seehoferals party leader would be struck, probably irreparable.