The French criticism of Italy’s dealings with refugee ship Aquarius has political consequences: Italian government ordered French ambassador as a consequence. According to “surprising” utterances of French President Emmanuel Macron, FRANZÖSISCBE Ambassador Christian Masst was expected to be in Foreign Ministry in morning, and was made up of diplomatic circles in Rome.

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Macron accused Italy of “cynicism and irresponsibility,” because country refuses to accept 629 refugees aboard Aquarius. The president appealed to Italy to respect international law. It prescribes that in an emergency most nearby coastal region has a duty to take refugee. The critique of Macron took place shortly before new Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte’s inaugural visit to Paris on Friday.

His Government responded extremely upset to Macron’s words. They need “no hypocritical lessons” from countries like France to refugee issue. Interior Minister Matteo Salvini of right-wing extremist Lega Nord replied, according to Italian media, France had rejected even more than ten thousand people on border with Italy. In addition, Salvini made France responsible for political instability in Libya and sourn regions.

Aid agencies also repeatedly accuse France of forcing migrants from Italy to be forced back by force.

The refugees on vessel Aquarius are now on ir way to Spain after days of uncertainty: The Aquarius and two Italian ships started on Tuesday evening in direction of Valencia. The journey lasts for at least four days, organisation SOS Méditerranée shared with. The 629 refugees have been on ship in Mediterranean since weekend. Spain had agreed on Monday to accept refugees after Italy and Malta refused.

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On Wednesday, however, it was shown that Italy is very likely to continue to accept refugees and migrants: in Sicily, a ship of Italian Navy landed with 932 refugees. There were also two corpses on board, according to media reports. The migrants had been rescued during weekend during seven emergency operations from Mediterranean. According to observers, this could show new course of Italian Government: foreign rescue ships are dismissed, while Italian ships are left in ports.