The federal government has put forward a bill for long controversial right of return of part-full-time. According to Bill of Labor Minister Hubertus Heil (SPD), employees are automatically given a right to return to ir full-time job, if y change for a fixed-term duration of part-times. Thereafter, all employees in enterprises from 45 employees should have right to a temporary part-time period, which can last between one and five years.

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That would apply to about 22 million employees. For current part-time employees, it will be easier to enforce ir desire for full-time employment with employer. The regulations are to enter into force on 1 January 2019. The Bundestag must still agree to draft law.

The SPD wanted to decide so-called bridge part-time already in last legislature, but could not find a consensus with Union. Until recently, reversal of burden of proof was controversial. This means that employers have to prove that y cannot offer a suitable full-time job. According to a report by German editorial network, Heil has even defused his draft: It was originally foreseen that employer would have to bear burden of proof for absence of a corresponding free job if a full-time worker Wants to return. The draft law has now been supplemented by a clarification in which it says: “A vacant job is available when employer has taken decision to create it or to re-occupy an unoccupied workplace.”