
  • Page 1 — Zapatero’s heritage
  • Page 2 — cautious signs of relaxation in Katalonienkonflikt
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    For fact that it was only one of 13 personalities, message attracted a lot of attention: Spain’s new science minister is an astronaut. Pedro Duque, first and so far only Spaniard in space, moves to cabinet. The message was simply great as a metaphor: Spain’s new prime minister, Pedro Sánchez of PSOE, wants to go high.

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    Only last Friday socialist had toppled with a MisstrauensvotumMariano Rajoy, Conservatives who were under pressure because of corruption scandals of his party. A few days later, Sánchez presents a cabinet that breaks with a common cliché about Spain: The new government is feminine. In eleven of 17 ministries women have say, among m are key positions economy, inner UndArbeit. Sánchez’s vice-president Carmen Calvo will also DasGleichstellungsministerium, as a sign of how serious Regierungmit is to subject.

    The second message: Spain is, again, on pulse of time. Along with Teresa Ribera, a proven climate expert brings topics of renewable energy and environmental policy to agenda of Rajoy Stiefmütterlichbehandelten. Carmen Montón, new Minister of Health, has meanwhile high of lesbians and AufReproduktionsmedizin to ir agenda.

    European ministers

    Already months ago, Spanish media had awarded Pedro Sánchez DenBeinamen “Erbe Zapatero”. Now he seems to want to enter DieFußstapfen of his socialist predecessor. José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero had paved way between 2004 and 2011Gesellschaftsreformen in his two terms of office and paritätischbesetzt cabinet for first time.

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    “Sánchez sends out a double message,” says Berta Babet VomPolitologenkollektiv Politikon. “With a mix of experts, experienced politicians and young, fresh people, he wants to prove that Diepsoe stands for a completely different style of government than KonservativeVolkspartei.” At same time, professor of economics alsGarant for stability. “In economic and European affairs he represents a very similar course as or European Social Democrats.”

    Sánchez took over household of his predecessor, EineKonzession to Basque nationalists who would orwise not have supported Rajoys fall. And re are two top positions for convincing Europeans – a friendly signal to Brussels. With new Minister of Economic Affairs Nadia Calviño, a methodical technocrat about compliance with EuropäischenDefizitvorgaben. The 49-year-old lawyer and economist has been working in EU Commission since 2006, managing EU budget as general manager. The NeueAußenminister Josep Borrell is also an old acquaintance on EuropäischenParkett: The 71-year-old chaired for three years to European Parliament.

    This personality had already caused a stir in past few days, especially in Catalonia. Borrell is considered a resolute opponent of derkatalanischen separatists and has always defended hard course against dieUnabhängigkeitsbefürworter. “Before we sew wounds of disseparatism, we have to disinfect m first,” he said in VergangenenJahr at a campaign meeting. Sour-faced commented on deposed RegionalchefCarles Puigdemont refore Borrell’s appointment: “Is this fraternal gesture by which you want to defuse conflict?”

    It is no coincidence that name of new Minister of Foreign Affairs was one of Erstendurchgesickert. He was to bring conservative critics ZumSchweigen, who already see Prime Minister Sánchez as “hostage of KatalanischenSeparatisten” – pro-independence parties PDeCat and ERC had supported dasMisstrauensvotum against Rajoy.