Fresh off the heels of GDPR, many businesses are shaking in their boots. 

But should they be? 

Although we’re in the infant stages of the Internet following GDPR and the policy shifts that businesses are expected to comply with, the concern of such companies is certainly justified. 

This rings true for companies who are outside of the EU region, by the way. 

The implementation of GDPR signals a number of big-picture change in both customer behavior and how businesses worldwide conduct themselves. Below are four predictions and expectations businesses moving should keep in the back of their mind now that the GDPR deadline has passed. 

Reliance on Third-Party Compliance Platforms

“With 99 controls to meet, the task of GDPR compliance can seem overwhelming,” notes Maxine Henry of Reciprocity Labs. “Especially if you’re using spreadsheets to keep track of your progress.”

The requirements related to GDPR represent a catalyst for businesses to move away from dealing with compliance issues manually. Given its many moving pieces, companies trying to juggle the intricate articles of GDPR without relying on a third-party software solution are likely shooting themselves in the foot.

On the flip side, reliance on automated services that act as a system of checks and balances for companies are becoming more and more common. Although such systems require a place in a firm’s budget, they remove the headaches and potential legal snafus of non-compliance. In the case of GDPR, this includes

A Revamped Approach to Digital Ads

Digital advertising in the wake of GDPR is inevitably poised to see a seismic shift. 

While the likes of cookies and targeting pixels made famous by Facebook remain the norm for now, the public has undoubtedly soured on such tactics. Only time will tell what giants like the aforementioned Facebook and Google will do in terms of their native ad platforms, but the need for explicit permission will undoubtedly spell uncertainty for tech giants and smaller businesses alike. 

More Skeptical Customers

On a related note, the need for explicit permission for visitor data undoubtedly puts a spotlight on the nature of privacy at large. This poses challenges for new businesses without a treasure trove of user data and likewise lack a defined reputation in the eyes of skeptical customers. 

This sense of doubt combined with an endless news cycle of data breaches and security snafus (think: Cambridge Analytica) signals the potential uphill battle for companies moving forward. 

Shame to Companies Who Fail to Comply

Despite the May deadline looming for years, few companies are truly ready for GDPR. As such, we can expect both companies to fail to comply and those companies to be put on blast publicly for failure to do so. Whether or not this is “fair” is totally subjective, but there’s no denying that this legislation is truly putting businesses under the microscope. 

Regardless of how you might feel about GDPR or whether or legislation directly impacts your region, the fact remains that it’s here to stay. Understanding the upcoming implications of GDPR is key to keeping your business’ practices and messaging in line with the expectations of modern customers and digital commerce at large in the coming years.