
  • Page 1 — What do you want? Software!
  • Page 2 — “Just five more minutes of Instagram!”
  • Page 3 — Apple wants to stop tracking
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    Tim Cook dampened expectations at beginning: “Heutedreht is all about software,” said Apple boss at opening Derhauseigenen Developer conference WWDC in San José on Monday evening of German time. This has always been case, but last year company surprised with presentation of smart loudspeaker HomePod. That’s why Dievergangenen days speculated wher Apple will not use WWDC this year to introduce some hardware. Maybe a new MacBook Air. Or a new iphone SE. Or at least Diekabellose charging station AirPower.

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    But no, this time it was actually all just retooling. During almost two and a half hour keynote, Tim Cook and SoftwarevizepräsidentCraig Federighi presented new versions of iOS, MacOS, WatchOS and new FEATURESFOR Apple TV and thanked now “20 million developers” for ir apps and software.

    This year’s WWDC fits into Apple’s development: Although company is still mainly for iphone and its Laptopsbekannt. But not only sluggish sales of iphone x and HomePod (which will also be available in Germany as of June 18th) make company set new priorities: for Apple it is no longer just a matter of producing new, teureund chic hardware. The future of company depends Längstebenso on its software. For a long time, it was hardware that lured new customers into Apple’s ecosystem. Meanwhile, differences between iPhoneund or smartphones are more faith-because technology question. That’s why software plays a much more prominent role for Apple than before EinigenJahren. And that’s why it’s only logical that Apple SeinerEntwicklerkonferenz software back to unrestricted Aufmerksamkeitschenkt.

    ARKit 2 brings Lego figures to life

    But even without hardware re were some spannendeNeuigkeiten on Monday in San José. For example in field of Augmented Reality (AR). Since launch of ARKit software platform in past year, Apple is again putting a strong focus on future reality in coming mobile BetriebssystemiOS 12. So far sundered applications on smartphone are more likely to be arranged in category party trick. With ARKit 2, Apple wants to change and make technology more suitable for everyday use. As an example, Federighi presented a new app called Measure that can measure objects. The Nutzerund users simply have to use camera to select a starting point and n drag cursor to endpoint. The software n measures distance between two points, supposedly with almost 100% accuracy.

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    Gimmicks may still not be missing, which is why Apple is working with Lego in future: recognizes corresponding AR-app a Lego kit, noteasy to bring it to life on screen. Animated Lego figures on display n run around actual model; DasHardwarespielzeug is enriched by a oretically infinitely erweiterbarevirtuelle history. In addition, thanks to new possibility of bringing multiple users toger in a single AR application, several Smartphonenutzer can be combined with and Gegeneinanderspielen.

    Siri is supposed to be smarter – once again

    Like every year, Apple’s virtual AssistentSiri with iOS 12 also gets an update. The biggest change is a new app called SiriShortcuts that will link Siri more closely with individual services. Users UndNutzerinnen can choose from predefined shortcuts or create a eigenenShortcut: The Voice Command “I make evening” could be combined with several actions: Siri could send a message to partner after DerAktivierung of command Send, play denLieblingspodcast, view current wear and turn it on at home DieHeizung.

    Such customization options are important for Siri, indirect comparison with Amazons Alexa and Google Assistant partially schlechterabschneidet. Shortcuts also shows that Apple continues to build on Siri alsverbindendem element between iOS, WatchOS and MacOS: Shortcuts sollenauch work across devices, such as on iphone as domicile speaker HomePod.