A Moscow court has imprisoned Ukrainian journalist Roman Suschtschenko for espionage to twelve years. The prosecutor’s Office had 14 years in prison for Angeklagtengefordert, as Russian media reported. Suschtschenko Bestreitetjegliche blamed and announced appeal against verdict.

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The former employee of state UkrainischenNachrichtenagentur Ukrinform was arrested in October 2016 on a privatenReise to Russia. The RussischeInlandsgeheimdienst accused 49-JährigenFrankreich correspondent today of only working for camouflage for DieNachrichtenagentur. He actually belongs to UkrainischenMilitärgeheimdienst and wanted to spy on army and DieNationalgarde in Russia.

The ukrainischePräsident Petro Poroshenko criticized verdict: “DasKreml regime does not stop in its attempts to break spirit of Ukrainians,” he said in Kiev. The spokeswoman DesAußenministeriums in Kiev, Marjana Beza, tweeted: “A politically motivated case. We are calling for a release. “

Ukraine offers prisoners exchange

Relations between governments in Kiev and Moscow have been at a low point since Krimkrise2014 and armed conflict in eastern Ukraine. Since n, several Ukrainians have been arrested in Russia under demVorwurf of espionage. On May 15, Ukrainian Geheimdienstwiederum Ukrainischstämmigen russischenJournalisten Kirilo Wischinskiunter accusation of treason.

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The Ukrainian deputy head of Parliament Irina Geraschtschenko said that Ukraine was ready to exchange 23 condemned Russians against four Ukrainians imprisoned in Russia, among m filmmaker Oleh Senzow. The Ukrainian was 2015 from a Russian court to 20 JahrenStraflager condemned and served his detention at Arctic Circle. Since May 14 he is on hunger strike to achieve a release of ukrainischerpolitischer prisoners in Russia.

Recently, fake murder of Russian journalist Arkady Babtschenko by Ukrainian Secret Service had burdened relationship between two states.