
  • Page 1 — in shadow of Union
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    With Blickauf The international situation she is “glad” that Germany has a “StabileRegierung”, said Andrea Nahles. As first German top politician, SPD party and Bundestag Group chairman Ließsich for ARD summer interview on Sunday evening. The wind blew on open-air stage, and Berlin government district served as a backdrop. And Nahles smiled a lot. They hattesich visibly made to radiate optimism. For she had no great success to proclaim.

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    Finish is still early on for an interim report on third grand coalition under KanzlerinAngela Merkel, Nahles said so too – and of course y want to see MancherBlockade from Union, for example BeimTeilzeitgesetz, that some things run differently. But “Now it’s Hoffentlichvoran”. After all, according to subtext, citizens could daraufverlassen that Germany would remain a internationalverlässlicher partner through grand coalition – while in Italy and USA, for example, y are wildly confused.

    82 Days’s Third Alliance of Union and SPD under Angela Merkel on this Monday in office. The SPD, however, had promised to its zaudernden followers not only foreign policy stability, but above all that re would be some changes in domestic policy: SPD would argue, union would not simply leave word. The government will be as socially democratic as possible and party is in meantime working out some modern new ideas for next Bundestag election campaign.

    Comment on what ors are pregiving

    Nothing shall has occurred so far – and poll values of SPD have become inzwischenzu an existential question: 17 per cent of INFRATST Dimapim May. So only three percentage points before AfD. Two thirds of SPD supporters were demnachunzufrieden with work of federal government.

    Did Juso-ChefKevin Kühnert right?, is a question that is now always repeated. Is Diegroße coalition downfall of SPD?

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    DieUnzufriedenheit in party anyway is great. So far SPD has not been able to achieve success in grand coalition, it is said self-critically by Bundestag parliamentarian WieFührungsmitgliedern party. CDU and CSU also had no great ideas, but remained in conversation with cracking sayings by Alexander Dobrindt (“Antiabschiebeindustrie”) or Jens Spahn (“incompetent rule of law”). The SPD has actually decided to let such provocations bounce off. She finally wants to put her own mes and no longer only react to Unionssprech.

    But this is not as easy as well-proven strategists like Finanzministerund vice chancellor Olaf Scholz have just found again: a great impact, Soverkündeten SPD-Spindoktoren, plan of Bundesregierungzur European policy should Be The answer to French president, Emmanuel Macron, is announced by Scholz, among ors, as ZuständigemSPD finance minister.

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    But AmWochenende simply gave Merkel an interview with Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAS) and was prepared to contribute some far-reaching changes in EU policy. Rectedbefore position should have been coordinated with Scholz and on Einenfranzösischen president, with a view to hierarchy, a chancellor and not her minister must respond: once again, SPD leader was only allowed to comment on what or stipulations. And that on her heart’s me of Europe.

    SPD chief Nahles said on Monday that she had known Nichtsvon Chancellor’s European interview in advance. “Work” is still being done in future to be better coordinated. Then Nahles tried to appease: anyway, it is not a “assessmentof macron”, but primarily about acting toger with a view to future of Europe. Again such an attempt not only to respond, in this case to French president.

    And yet situation remains tricky: ideas that Merkel now presented about a new European fiscal policy in FAs were negotiated in joint treaty by SPD in particular during coalition negotiations. Now Nahles says she is happy when Merkel is taking over se ideas. And that SPD is also expecting a einheitlichereSteuerpolitik and social minimum standards in Europe – demands that largely went down in public debate because Merkel defined news.