The behavioral researcher and founder of subject Human ethology, Irenaeus Eibl-Eibesfeldt, is dead. On June 15th he would have been 90 years old. Eibl-Eibesfeldtwar pupil of Nobel laureate in medicine and behavioral researcher KonradLorenz. For decades he explored behaviour of animals and danndes people. He founded human ethology as his own discipline. Until Inshohe age, Eibl-Eibesfeldt, who lived with his wife Eleonore on Lake Starnberg, devoted himself to research.

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Eibl-Eibesfeldt has published well over 600 publications in Laufeseines life, including more than 20 books translated into VieleSprachen – even Korean. Even though his ories were not always in agreement, his works are regarded as foundations of DerVerhaltensforschung.

The physician and human Ethologe Wulf Schiefenhövel, who continues ArbeitEibl-Eibesfeldts in Lake Meadows at today’s Max Planck Institute for Ornithology, praised him as “a man who never geschwommenist with stream”. “He has dug deep scientifically to understand what we humans are actually,” said Schiefenhövel.

Condolence book

Dear readers, in commentary section of this article, we want to give you opportunity to share your memories and thoughts with deceased with a book of condolences. Respect for piety is important to us in case of deaths, which is why all comments are reviewed before publication.

First, Eibl-Eibesfeldt devoted himself to animals. He observed that WieSchildkröten had to look for ticks from basic finches, and he beschriebeinige such symbiosis. He discovered that sea lizards Steinchenschlucken for diving and orient mselves by tongue in country. Long before species-UndNaturschutz were discussed, he saw endangerment of Galapagos Paradiesesund turned to UNESCO. This sent him on an expedition and subsequently issued protective conditions.

His dissertation was written by researcher 1950 at Konrad Lorenz on mating biology DerErdkröte. 1967 appeared with floor plan of comparative Verhaltensforschungdas first comprehensive textbook of ethology. EIBL-Eibesfeldt n turned to human behavior. With biology of Human Behavior (1984), he founded human Ethology. In particular, he damitauseinander, what behaviors are innate and which are culturally dependent – and came to a kind of Urgrammatik human behavior.

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Eibl-Eibesfeldt assumed that man moves in a angeborenenAmbivalenz between prosocially friendly and dominant aggressivemVerhalten. The first was evolutionary from brood care, daszweite from necessity of defense, for example against or groups. With sis that shyness of foreign-looking people is innate and could attend a great deal of immigration from culturally very different people inFremdenhass, he had taken criticism.

Again and again, Eibl-Eibesfeldt travelled to ethnic groups that still live as ir ancestors: DieYanomami in South America, Himba and bush people in Western Africa, DieEipo and Trobriander in New Guinea. He brought along some 350 kilometers of film material, which is now digitized at FrankfurterSenckenberg Museum. An application for UNESCO memory of World document heritage is in preparation according to information of its employees.