According to media reports, Google will no longer make artificial Intelligenzfür warfare available to US Department of Defense. A responsible DesUS company told employees on Friday that Google would not extend a project for use of artificial Intelligenzbei drones of US military, reported NewYork Times and technology website Gizmodo Relying on internal circles. The agreement provides for GoogleAlgorithmen to assist Pentagon in assessing VonVideobildern and ermöglichensollen more efficient drone attacks.

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According to reports, DieChefin, Google Cloud, Diane Greene, told her employees to leave deal. The contract worth less than ten million dollars runs in coming year out.

The so-called Project Maven has split DieGoogle staff, several employees have left Konzernaus indignation over program. Thousands andereunterzeichneten a petition in which y asked company chief Sundar Pichai to set up project.

In addition, DieAngestellten demand a company policy that generally prevents use of VonGoogle technology for purpose of warfare. Support for petition also came from DerUS-civil rights organization Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and International Committee for Robot Arms Control (ICRAC), which dying to limit military use of robots.