At Federal Employment Agency (BA), 2,315,000 people were reported unemployed in month of May. In May, number of unemployed in Germany has fallen to lowest level since reunification. It was 68,000 less than in April and 182,000 less than a year ago, authority shared. The unemployment rate decreased by 0.2 percentage points to 5.1 percent.

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“Unemployment and underemployment have decreased again, employment in social security sector continues to increase and demand for labour is still high,” said BA CEO Detlef Scheele. The upward trend in labour market is thus continuing, albeit weaker than in previous months.

A marked decline in number of unemployed is common in May, as employment in external occupations is regularly rising on a seasonal basis. However, this year’s decline was somewhat weaker than on average in previous years. Under terms of seasonal fluctuations, unemployment declined by 11,000 in monthly comparison according to BA. Economists had expected a minus of 10,000.

The sub-employment, which includes people who are currently taking part in furr education, was 3,286,000. In comparison with previous month, it decreased by 17,000. At federal agency in May at same time about 793,000 vacancies were reported – 78,000 more than a year ago.

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The number of job seekers also decreased in seasonally adjusted terms. The number of unemployed persons adjusted for seasonal effects was 2,358,000 in May. Thus, more than 11,000 men and women were less unworked than in April. In west number decreased by just under 10,000, in east by just under 2,000.

According to Federal Statistical Office, number of workers lasted in April at 44,620,000. That’s a plus of 35,000 compared to previous month. Compared to previous year, re were 592,000 more workers.

It was said that increase was due solely to more socially-insured employment. According to calculations by federal agency in March, this has increased by 7,000, seasonally adjusted. Thus, 32,660,000 people in Germany last had a regular job – 725,000 more than a year earlier. The lowest unemployment since reunification has been recorded in November 2017 with 2,368,000 unemployed.