In trade dispute with United States, Germany and European Union hope for a friendly solution with government of US President Donald Trump. On fringes of an OECD meeting in Paris, EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström and federal Minister of Commerce Peter Altmaier (CDU) want to meet US Trade Minister Wilbur Ross and persuade him to take special rules for EU in terms of import duties on steel and aluminium To extend.

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Altmaier aspires to “intensive conversations” according to his own specifications. “I’m still hoping for a last-minute solution,” said CDU politician. The goal is a “deal” in mutual interest. “It’s also about a lot of jobs.”

Trump had announced punitive tariffs of 25 percent on steel and ten percent on aluminum in March. For European companies, re is still a provisional exception until this Friday. Europeans demand a permanent exception from US government and orwise threaten to impose retaliation on US products like whiskey, motorcycles or jeans.

However, EU Commissioner Malmström was pessimistic at beginning of this week that re will be a mutually agreed solution. It is unlikely that US will extend exemption, she said on Tuesday to European Parliament in Strasbourg. At best, quotas should be reckoned with. Perhaps decision, despite everything, is positive – without punitive duties or quotas, Swede said. “But I don’t think we can realistically hope for it.”

The annual ministerial meeting of Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is expected to represent a number of governments. The conference is under motto “Restarting multilateralism” this year. France’s head of state Emmanuel Macron is to speak. Traditionally, ministers also use appointment for bilateral talks – this time also for trade dispute.