There is always a landmark, a place or a sight-seeing site that characterized every place on earth. There are also some times that due to physical conditions or to man’s intervention, are threatened to be disappeared. Even the global organization of UNESCO characterizes them as risk places or monuments. Let’s discover the most famous of those.

Old City of Jerusalem and its walls

Jerusalem is the holy city of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, with the Old City hosting 220 historical memorials, including great travelers’ sights, such as the Vatican Dome where Abraham was sacrificed  and the Cup of the Tears. Unesco’s concern lies in the Israeli illegal diggings in the Old City, which destroy historic monuments. In addition, Unescoblames Israel of blocking restoration works. 

Everglades National Park, Florida

Florida can be renowned for nightlife, parties and beaches, but among all of this, Everglades adds its own littoral, swamps, nature and rare, endangered animal species – such as the Florida Panther and the sea ​​elephant – on an area of ​​2,357 square meters. According to Unesco, environmental pollution and reduced water flows contribute to the loss of marine life while efforts are made to reduce the damage.

Coral reef of Belize

The Great Blue Hole, the North Response to Australia’s Great Coral Reef, seems to be heading for the danger list, hosting a lot of rarekinds of animals, including the sea turtle, the American marine crocodile, the sea elephant, . Threats are identified by overexploitation of oil resources and oil exploitation, but if we think about 15% of Belize’s Gross Domestic Product comes from the reef, surely it will have to be taken to protect it so that nature can be saved and the economy. 

Tropical forest, Sumatra, Indonesia

Indonesia is not only spending some great time in one of the 5 stars hotels in Bali. This tropical forest, a heritage of the wild Indonesian island of Sumatra, covers3 national parks and is a protected area that hosts a lot of rare animals and plants, including Sumatra’s endemic orecot. Besides, however, the island provides biogeographically evidence of the evolution of the island, which is significant. The risk is now found in road expansion plans, illegal classification and illegal animal hunting. 

Abu Mena, Egypt

This Christiandivine city, an important part of the travelers in the Middle Ages, includes churches, castles, monasteries, houses, public places and many others built on the tomb of theMinas of Alexandria, one of the most famous saints in Egypt. Farming work in the area, however, has led to an increase in groundwater, causing volatility and collapse of buildings, with many underground cracks being constantly created. The local specialists were forced to fill the cracks with sand to save the buildings, including the Abu Mena crypt, which includes the saint’s tomb.

Tropical forests of Atsinanana, Madagascar

The island of bizarre and beautiful Madagascar, has been divided from all the other terrestrial masses more than 60 million years ago, so its plants and animals have evolved into totalseparation. The unique biodiversity of the place, however, depends on the tropical forests of Atsinanana, which make up 6 national parks. Prohibitedkindling and hunting, however, are a main problem for the region. 

Archaeological zone Chan Chan, Peru

Chan Chan’s capital, Chimu, before passing to the Incas, is a massive, collapsed society, divided into 9 castles, with churches, squares and cemeteries still distinct. Unfortunately, however, this excellent example of architecture is at risk due to the extreme ecological events of the area, including those caused by the El Niño phenomenon.

Unfortunately, those are only some of the places that are threatened to be disappeared. A lot of people all over the world are making efforts for saving those monuments. They think that it is a pity for all the upcoming ages not to see all these spectacular landmarks. And they should be honored for that.