In keeping with tradition, U.S. President Donald Trump and his wife, Melania, participated in the Christmas tree lighting on the White House Thursday. “As President of the United States, it is my tremendous honor to wish America and the world a very Merry Christmas,” the president said within a few minutes that the sun would disappear on the horizon of a cool winter afternoon in Washington.
“For Christians This is a holy time, the celebration of the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.” Every Christmas is special because we are called to help each other, to love each other, and to seek peace in our hearts and throughout the world, said the president, who on Wednesday again shook the social divide in the United States to feed (AR) An antimuslim rhetoric. In front of an audience below that of other years, Trump also claimed that this is a special time for American families, “the basis of our American life.” “We ask the blessings of God for our families and our nation,” he said.
At the beginning of the week, Melania gave for the start of the festive season at the premiere of the Christmas decorations in the White House. The first lady received a group of boys and girls, who helped him finish the ornaments and retouches in the ten trees that escort the halls of the residential mansion.
Last week, the Trumps also participated in another ritual of this time. Surrounded by visitors, the president forgave a turkey on Thanksgiving Day.