Updates and news in Google occur regularly, although not always informally.

The American company, founded by Sergei Brin and Larry Page 25 years ago, continues to refine its browser tools to meet both the needs of its users and to deal with other rival browsers.

In the case of Google Maps, the Alphabet subsidiary has introduced a novelty in its service that helps the user locate a location when browsing the screen and out of sight.

It is still a functionality or improvement that is still in the testing phase. However, some users have already noticed these new indications on their mobiles, also marked in red, when they navigate on Google Maps.

In this way, users can perform further queries around the destination location, such as the location of a gas station, restaurant or store, without losing the initial reference. Thus, while the selected destination remains fixed on the map, a second moving red arrow accompanies the user in the search despite the fact that the original destination remains out of plane.

With this integration, the user can choose to follow the direction of the date to locate the pin or click directly on it to automatically take him to the point where it is anchored.

The specialized portal Android Police highlighted a few days ago that this function is being deployed globally, although Google has not yet made any communication in this regard.

Google Maps also has an alert system for the position of speed cameras that the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) has installed on roads and cities throughout Spain.

Fixed speed cameras appear on the screen in orange, while mobile speed cameras are shown in blue, except for those used by DGT helicopter units.

It should be noted that the use of this information in both Android and iOS terminals is legal. The application uses the information provided periodically by the public entity.

See how to activate the Google Maps speed camera function.

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